Home » Reznikov summed up the results of his visit to Brussels and named 3 stages of the de-occupation of Ukraine

Reznikov summed up the results of his visit to Brussels and named 3 stages of the de-occupation of Ukraine

by alex

Aleksey Reznikov/facebook.com/reznikovoleksii

Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov spent two days in Brussels, where he had a rich program of meetings with a considerable number of politicians from all over the world. The main topic is the war in Ukraine and how to end it with our victory.

A meeting of the contact group for the defense of Ukraine in the Rammstein format was held in Brussels. This is the third meeting that was created at the initiative of the United States to support Ukraine with the necessary weapons to resist the Russian invasion.

“The key is: there will be deliveries. High-quality deliveries. But not everything can be voiced even now. Everything will be later,” Alexei Reznikov said shortly after this meeting.

Alexey Reznikov also took part in the meeting of the countries' defense ministers.

“It is important that for the first time this meeting was held with four countries that are not members of the Alliance: among the invited guests are Ukraine, Georgia, Sweden and Finland. In the near future, the issue of membership of Sweden and Finland in NATO will be considered. At least I had the opportunity to discuss with de facto NATO partners. I am glad that my colleagues confirmed that Ukraine is already a de facto member of this family,” Oleksiy Reznikov said.

He held about ten bilateral meetings with the heads of defense departments of NATO countries

” All ministers expressed support for the Ukrainian people and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. I am proud of our army. I am proud that all colleagues are fond of our soldiers and their victory. They understand that we are fighting not only for Ukraine, but also for a free Europe,” the Ukrainian minister said.

British support

Alexei Reznikov also held a meeting with British Defense Minister Ben Wallace. Prior to this, the British minister said that his country bought the Belgian M109 self-propelled howitzers from a private weapons company, which they will transfer to Ukraine.

In addition, the UK and Turkey will coordinate efforts with Ukraine in solving humanitarian problems. Alexei Reznikov and Ben Wallace discussed this with Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar.

Who else did Reznikov meet

According to Alexei Reznikov, he also had very fruitful conversations with Canadian Defense Minister Anita Anand, Dutch Defense Minister Kaisa Ollongren and German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht, Norwegian Defense Minister Bjorn Arild Gram, Canadian Defense Minister “Said gratitude for all forms of support, in first of all – the supply of heavy weapons. He emphasized that time is very important for Ukraine, because we are talking about the lives of our people,” Oleksiy Reznikov said.

Three stages of the de-occupation of Ukraine

Oleksiy Reznikov during a meeting in Brussels named three stages of the de-occupation of Ukraine. The first of them is to stop the Russian troops.

“Russian criminals destroy everything in the territories that they manage to temporarily capture. To do this, we need an early reinforcement through the supply of artillery, tanks and armored vehicles, air defense systems and the like “, – said Alexei Reznikov.

The second stage provides for the exit as soon as possible to the line of demarcation and the administrative border as of February 24. The third stage is the de-occupation and reintegration of all territories of Ukraine within internationally recognized borders.

“Ukraine is not going to use weapons to attack Russia or seize its territories. We are not Russia. And our partners understand this. We do not need alien. We are defending our own: the lives of our people, our lands. We are liberating free Ukraine from the Russian invasion. From murderers, marauders and rapists,” Oleksiy Reznikov said.

The Minister of Defense stated that the world expresses support for our state in this aspiration – Russia must leave our territory, withdraw its troops. Including from Crimea, Donetsk region and Luhansk region, which have been under occupation since 2014.

“Further reintegration is one of the key and fragile issues. Actually, people have already expressed their position in all cities, in including those temporarily occupied, sending “asvabaditel” behind the Russian ship in a language understandable to terrorists,” Oleksiy Reznikov noted.

He said that Ukraine has already proved that it can be a reliable shield for Europe in the east.

“That is why the restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine within internationally recognized borders, including Crimea, is a priority for European security and should become part of the strategy of the free world. Then any aggressor will see that trying to achieve their goals by force at the expense of others is a mistake… Already we are working on the practical implementation of the agreements reached. After all, our soldiers need support,” summed up Alexey Reznikov.

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