Home » Revival of the “Yeltsin family”: can it challenge Putin in the elections

Revival of the “Yeltsin family”: can it challenge Putin in the elections

by alex

Deripaska can compete for the presidency in Moscow/Collage 24 Channel

Russian business channels have leaked information that billionaire Oleg Deripaska may nominate his candidacy in the upcoming presidential elections. This may be evidence that the “Yeltsin family” is not averse to regaining power.

About this 24 Political scientist Nikolai Davidyuk told the channel. He suggested that in the future it will be possible to see a confrontation between the “Yeltsin family” and Vladimir Putin’s clan.

What is known about Putin’s possible opponents

So far, there is little factual information about the Yeltsin family’s opposition to Putin. However, even such careful “stuffing” can pose a threat to the dictator.

How Deripaska is connected with Yeltsin

Since 2001, the Russian oligarch has been married to the daughter of the head of the Russian Presidential Administration and closest associate of Boris Yeltsin, who in turn also married the daughter of the Russian president. Therefore, there is an assumption that it is Deripaska who is the “wallet” of the Yeltsin family.

It was in the 2000s that Deripaska’s assets increased significantly, thanks to which he expanded his sphere of interest in aluminum trading to other sectors of the economy. The significant connections of the Russian oligarch can be evidenced by the fact that in 2013 he received tenders for the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi, and Sergei Lavrov called him an “outstanding business leader” of Russia.

“This can be considered the first hint of the presence in Russia of a systemic oppositionist Putin, who has money, media and connections, and who should offer to the Russian elites,” Davidyuk is convinced.

These Russian elites, who have lost a lot of money due to the war and sanctions, are now “hostage” of Putin. “The Yeltsin family,” according to some Russian oligarchs, could create better conditions for cooperation between the authorities and the elites.

Nikolai Davidyuk on the stuffing regarding Deripaska's possible presidency: watch the video

That is why it cannot be ruled out that this circle of people will be able to nominate their own candidate, because they have enough influence to to register it, despite Putin's position. And hypothetically, this could be the beginning of a confrontation between the Eurasian-oriented Putinists and the Yeltsin family, committed to restoring ties with the West.

What does Deripaska think about war and sanctions

  • At the beginning of the war, Deripaska’s enterprises almost immediately came under sanctions from the United States, and then from Ukraine. Since he is the owner of numerous metallurgical plants, the Russian oligarch's products are actively used in the production of Russian weapons.
  • In the early days of a full-scale war, when shares of Russian companies around the world fell sharply, Deripaska predicted that as a result of the aggression, Russia would face a crisis three times worse than the 1998 default. However, this did not happen, which is why the oligarch had to admit that his forecast of a 30% decline in the Russian economy was false.
  • In his telegram channel, Deripaska often complains to sanctions and speaks out for ending the war on Russia’s terms (in particular, with the return of frozen funds), and also gloats over the economic problems of Europe, calling them retribution for the reluctance to negotiate with Russia.

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