Home ยป Revealed the cost of all games on Steam

Revealed the cost of all games on Steam

by alex

We found a website on the network that displays the total cost of all games available on the Steam service. The appearance of the service was noticed by the TweakTown edition.

The creators of the online resource launched a graph that reveals the cost of all games published on Steam. The site is updated several times a day, collecting information about current and new game releases. As of September 14 and the service data, the total cost of all games on the digital platform is 537,192 dollars, or about 40 million rubles. The cost of games with discounts is 521,909 dollars.

The site also lets you see how much Steam content was rated in different months or years. For example, in July, games dropped significantly – to about $ 333,000. A similar drop was recorded in December 2019, when the total cost of all Steam games approached the $ 300 thousand mark. Journalists linked the December price collapse with the Christmas sales, the July one with the coronavirus pandemic.

The TweakTown edition also drew attention to the fact that the site is actually a copy of another resource, which calculated not only the total cost of titles, but also their number. However, the service was discontinued a few years ago. According to the original site, 7481 games were published on Steam in November 2014, for a total cost of $ 91,298.

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