Home » Resistance to mobilization continues: in Russia, the military enlistment office was again set on fire

Resistance to mobilization continues: in Russia, the military enlistment office was again set on fire

by alex

The military enlistment office was set on fire again in Russia/Channel 24 Collage

Russians are afraid to go to fight in Ukraine, therefore they are trying in every possible way to sabotage the mobilization and replenishment of the occupying troops. One of the easiest ways to do this is to set fire to the military enlistment office to destroy documents.

Russian military registration and enlistment offices are set on fire again

Another once it happened in Vladivostok on the morning of June 8th. Russian media wrote about the arson of the wooden building of the local military registration and enlistment office.

According to them, 2 guys threw a Molotov cocktail at the wall of the house. They filmed their actions on video, and when it caught fire, they fled to neighboring yards.

However, there was no major fire. The fire damaged only the facing boards at the entrance to the house, which is also considered a historical and architectural monument. They are already being restored.

Resistance to mobilization continues: the military enlistment office has been set on fire again in Russia

The military comot was set on fire by unknown persons/Photo from social networks

The Rosmedia adds that the day before, calls were circulated in social networks to set fire to military commissariats in Primorye for “generous rewards.” To get it, it was necessary to provide video evidence.

The chief of police of Primorye said that he was taking this incident under his own control. Investigators are trying to identify the arsonists – they face up to 5 years in prison.

Previous arsons of Russian commissariats

  • With the outbreak of a full-scale war in Ukraine, in Russia, news about arsons of military registration and enlistment offices in cities and villages quite often appears. The Russians do this so that they are not sent to a war that promises not too high chances of returning home.
  • On May 19, Alexei Gromov, deputy head of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said that since February 24, 12 cases of arsons of military commissariats. However, judging by the news in the Russian media, there were much more of them.
  • In particular, on the night of May 18, 2 Molotov cocktails were thrown into the building of the Shchelkovsky military registration and enlistment office in the Moscow region. As a result of the fire that broke out, 2 offices and the archive of the commissariat were damaged.
  • On the night of May 13, incendiary “cocktails” flew to the military registration and enlistment office in Omsk. Windows were shattered there, and there was also a smell of gas.
  • On the eve of the “victory talk” on May 8, the Russians also staged a riot against mobilization. In the city of Cherepovets, 2 guys threw Molotov cocktails into the windows of the military enlistment office.

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