Home » Reminds me of World War I: Russia regularly uses chemical weapons at the front

Reminds me of World War I: Russia regularly uses chemical weapons at the front

by alex

The Russian Federation “regularly” uses chemical weapons at the front.

About this on air Radio NV was reported by the deputy commander of the 3rd assault brigade, which is currently fighting in the Bakhmut direction, Maxim Zhorin.

— Regarding chemical weapons, this is not news for us at all. We have experienced it ourselves more than once. And not only in the Bakhmut direction, but also in the Zaporozhye direction. And I can remind you that during the defense of Mariupol, Azov, who defended it, also experienced all these seemingly prohibited types of weapons and combat,” he said.

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Zhorin added that the war in Ukraine is in many ways similar to the First World War, in particular in that the infantryman’s kit also includes a gas mask, a shovel and a personal weapon.

— Regarding chemical weapons. Yes, Russians use it regularly. We also recorded this already in the Bakhmut direction. I think this won't be the last time. We just have to remember who we are dealing with. This is an enraged, absolutely sick creature that will use absolutely everything. And there is no need to hope that they will be honest, noble and have at least heard something about some rules. No, our enemy is very insidious,” said Zhorin.

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