Home » Recovery of “Berkut” in Kherson region is probably a common scarecrow of Russians – activist

Recovery of “Berkut” in Kherson region is probably a common scarecrow of Russians – activist

by alex

Russians have revived the Berkut in the Kherson region/Channel 24 collage

Terror against the inhabitants of occupied Kherson is intensifying. The Security Service of Ukraine stated that the occupiers resumed the activities of the Berkut regional police unit, which was disbanded after the Revolution of Dignity in 2014. . Volodymyr Molchanov, an activist from Kherson, told Channel 24 about this.

According to him, the occupiers really created a police department, which they called “police”. Partially, traitors “serve” there on errands for the Russians, including some Kherson patrol policemen. Also, the Russians simply recruited people from the street.

There is only one person among them who is really connected with Berkut. Therefore, most likely, this is a scarecrow on the part of infidels, because even ordinary Russian inhabitants are afraid of Berkut,” the activist said.

He also thinks that in itself the revival of such a unit is meaningless, because the Berkut is used against the civilian population. In Kherson, even without them, the Russians suppress civil protests.

At the same time, the resistance of the Kherson residents does not fade away, the partisan struggle continues. And our people are fearless, so they cannot be frightened by any groups, Molchanov added.

The SBU knows all the collaborators and traitors of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Kherson region

  • The Security Service of Ukraine has established the identity of all collaborators and traitors who joined the illegal “main department of the MVS of the Kherson region” created by the occupiers. The SBU website published a list of the Russians' henchmen.
  • The pseudo-formation performs the tasks of suppressing resistance and intimidating residents of the temporarily occupied areas. This happens through mass repression, persecution and illegal detention of citizens.
  • Henchmen select and recruit like-minded people using personal connections, in particular among former law enforcement officers.

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