Home » Ready to conquer the F-16 in three months instead of three years, – pilot Karaya about his journey in aviation

Ready to conquer the F-16 in three months instead of three years, – pilot Karaya about his journey in aviation

by alex

Pilot Vadim Voroshilov with the call sign Karaya heroically shot down 7 hostile targets, and then realized that his plane was shot down. A photo of him with a bloody face went viral. The pilot was injured, but survived and returned to duty in a few months.

After a full-scale invasion, Major Vadim Voroshilov again switched from a civilian aircraft to a fighter.

He took the flaming aircraft away from the settlement

On October 12, the pilot shot down 5 drones Shahed-136, 3 of which are in the South of Ukraine and 2 – over Vinnitsa. His plane was damaged by the Russians, so Voroshilov had to eject. However, the debris hit the ejection parachute placed behind the pilot's head.

Voroshilov turned on the front camera of the phone to assess the situation with the injury. The pilot did not publish a photo with a bloody face for a long time, but in December he ventured. This photo has gone viral on the net. On December 5, 2022, he was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine.

By the way, Vadym is actively instagramming. He talked about equipment. His overalls are made of non-flammable material and cost 8,000 hryvnias. It was he who saved Vadim from burns to his legs when the cockpit was on fire. The pilot saw that under him some settlement was on fire, began to take to the left, filled up the plane while ejecting.

The path to aviation

  • Voroshilov did not dream of becoming a pilot, but his mother wanted his son to become a military man. At the age of 15, Vadim entered the Kremenchug Lyceum with enhanced military physical training.
  • Then he studied at the Kharkiv National Air Force University named after Ivan Kozhedub.
  • In 2016, after graduating from with honors, Vadim served as a pilot in the 204 tactical aviation brigade.
  • In 2017, he became the best young pilot of the Yug Air Command.
  • In 2021, after the expiration of the contract period, he resigned from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He worked as a senior aviation chief of a civilian airfield.
  • After a full-scale invasion of Russia, Vadim returned to service.

Knows everything about aircraft


Vadim's friend Alexey Movchan said that Karaya can talk about airplanes for hours. Can explain what are the differences between the MiG-29 and NATO F-16, speaking English, sort out the reform of the Air Force.

Vadim talked about Soviet approaches, that we don't reform the army, but was equal to the US and NATO standards. I don’t know more people who were so deeply versed in such details: how it is, how it should be and what we need to do, – said Movchan.

He has known Voroshilov for more than 10 years. He says he reminds him of James Bond.

The pilot wants to witness the collapse of Moscow

Vadim is 29 years old. In social networks, he thanked for the congratulations, and also talked about his wishes. He stressed that at the age of 17 he gave a military oath to the people of Ukraine to always be faithful and devoted. Then he did not know what events awaited us, but he is sure that he will witness the collapse of Russia.

“The best gift will be when we get modern fighters, because we have proved to the whole world that, despite the quantitative and the technical advantage of the enemy in the air, our Air Force has been holding the sky of Ukraine for almost a year,” the pilot added.

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