Home » “Readiness for dialogue”, threats of war to the West: a new batch of statements from Putin and Medvedev

“Readiness for dialogue”, threats of war to the West: a new batch of statements from Putin and Medvedev

by alex

Putin and Medvedev issued new statements/Collage 24 Channel, Getty Images

Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev issued yet another provocative statements. The head of the Kremlin and the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council in their statements touched on the topic of war and confrontation with the West. to dialogue,” and Medvedev threatens the West with war. Such statements were reported in Russian telegram channels, reports Channel 24.

Another batch of statements from Russian politicians

In Russia they started talking again about the supposed readiness for negotiations.

So, the Russian media disseminated information that Vladimir Putin said that Russia “is ready for dialogue on the Ukrainian settlement, the question is whether Kiev wants this.”

This is not the first time the Russian dictator or his minions make these kinds of statements. It seems that in Russia they work exclusively according to manuals and once again say the same thing.

Regarding the statements of Dmitry Medvedev, then the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council once again threatens the West with war. The politician published his provocative statements in his telegram.

Attempts to return Russia to the borders of 1991 will lead to a war with the West using the entire strategic arsenal of Kyiv, Berlin, London and Washington. For all other beautiful historical places that have long been included in the flight targets of our nuclear triad,” Medvedev said.

In Sweden they said that Russia threatens the West

In an interview with Channel 24, Swedish Defense Minister Paul Johnson noted that, of course, Russia also threatens Western countries and it is worth taking into account the fact that the occupiers are ready to go at great political and military risks, and this is true.

The official added that now, of course, Ukraine is a shield against further Russian expansion. However, as Paul Johnson noted, the Kremlin dictator will not stop until someone stops him.

The minister also added that the country is taking a number of measures to make sure that it has a defense industrial base that can support Ukraine and Sweden, which, although a smaller country, has a powerful defense industrial base.

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