Home » Ransoms are demanded from relatives: Russians massively kidnap people in the Kherson region

Ransoms are demanded from relatives: Russians massively kidnap people in the Kherson region

by alex

Russians massively abduct people in Kherson region/Collage of Channel 24

< strong _ngcontent-sc88="">Russian invaders continue to commit atrocities in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. So in the Kherson region, they massively kidnap the local population.

This was reported to Channel 24 by a correspondent from the Kherson region. She stressed that the fate of many abducted locals is still unknown.

Kidnapped from roadblocks

According to the journalist, often local Russian monsters are kidnapped directly from checkpoints. She noted that they can be involved in strengthening the enemy’s defense positions, thrown into isolation wards, or taken to the Crimea or Russia just because they didn’t like the person for some reason.

Unfortunately, for Kherson, this is a familiar thing. People are taken directly from checkpoints and taken out in an unknown direction. Several farmers, wealthy people, businessmen have already been stolen. They are tortured, ransoms are demanded from their relatives,” the correspondent said.

She said that recently, at a checkpoint near Kherson, near the Antonovsky bridge, Russian infidels searched the spouses of farmers for a long time. They did not find anything suspicious on them, but the man was taken away.

Huge scale of crimes

As she explained, relatives have two ways to find, where the person is. They need to apply to the so-called occupation “military commandant's office”, and, perhaps, a relative will be found. Or look somewhere in the dungeons, and, having found, hope that they will let him out alive.

When the Kherson region is liberated, something similar to Bucha and Mariupol will come out here. This is how Kherson journalists think, and, unfortunately, we do not think that we are exaggerating,” the correspondent noted.

She said that there were rumors in Kherson about a former temporary detention facility, which is located near the Kherson Cotton Plant. According to them, in this place, Russian monsters torture and kill civilians, and then bury the bodies in a ditch.

“Of course, it's impossible to check now, but when Kherson is released, everything will come out with us. We can expect large scale crimes,” the journalist said.

About nothing is known of the missing

She stressed that since the start of the full-scale Russian invasion in the Kherson region, a lot of people have disappeared. At the same time, no one knows anything about them – they are in captivity, or they have already been released, or they have been involved in some kind of work.

“A person has disappeared and that's all. Relatives and activists are crying out, but these people have not been returned. There are fears that they were killed, or they are somewhere in the dungeons of Crimea or Russia,” the journalist said.

< strong>A correspondent spoke about mass kidnappings in the Kherson region: watch the video

The situation in the Kherson region: latest news

  • Commander of the operational command ” Yug” Major General Andrey Kovalchuk said that the range of artillery of the Russian invaders significantly exceeds ours. However, he stressed that even under such conditions, the Ukrainian defenders are pushing the enemy back and waiting for the delivery of new weapons.
  • The Security Service of Ukraine again published another interception of Russian invaders located in the temporarily occupied Kherson region. In a conversation, they complain that they receive a good flogging from the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
  • During the day on June 16, Ukrainian aircraft hit the enemy's cluster three times. In particular, in the Kherson, Kakhov and Berislav districts of the region.

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