Home » Ramstein-21, US assistance and hot spots: the main events of the week at the front

Ramstein-21, US assistance and hot spots: the main events of the week at the front

by alex

Currently, according to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Alexander Syrsky, at the front, there is a complex operational-strategic situation, which tends to escalate. For more information about the situation in certain areas, Ukraine’s successes this week and forecasts for what to expect next, read on ICTV Facts.

  • Ramstein Meeting-21
  • US Aid for Ukraine
  • Situation at the front
  • Destruction of the Ka-32 and destruction of targets in the Russian Federation

Meeting Ramstein-21

On April 26, the 21st Ramstein meeting took place, with the key topics being Air Defense, Armor and Artillery for the Defense Forces. An important final decision was the US statement on the transfer of a military assistance package to Ukraine in the amount of 6 billion.

Also from the head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, there was an important message about work on the supply of F-16 fighters to Ukraine. In addition, he did not rule out sending additional Patriot systems to Ukraine from the United States.

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– This Ramstein demonstrated that strategic partners hear us, and they give us what we need. They solved the problems related to support, and this is the most important thing,” says military observer Oleg Starikov.

Situation at the front

Currently, the enemy is increasing offensive operations along the entire front line, with the exception of the Southern Front.

– The situation along the entire section of the front is such that at the end of April-beginning of May there may be a threat of escalation, says the expert.

The hottest place, according to him, is now in the Pokrovsky direction — there the situation is even more difficult than near Chasovoy Yar, since in the areas of Ocheretinoye, Novokalinovoye, etc. there are no strong defensive fortifications.

– The situation is consistently difficult. Now the main task of the command is to stabilize this front. In the Pokrovsky direction it is even more difficult than at Chasovoy Yar. Since there are defensive fortifications and natural — Seversky Donets channel — Donbass. This deters the enemy's offensive actions.

And in the Ocheretino, Novokalinovo sector it is dangerous, since the enemy is moving both north and south at the same time, — says Oleg Starikov.

In particular, according to the speaker of the operational-strategic group of troops Khortytsia Nazar Voloshin, most of Ocheretinoye is under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, heavy fighting continues there.

As Oleg Starikov noted, Ukraine has devoted all its efforts to restraining the enemy’s actions and preventing him from advancing in these areas.

– However, an important point is that even if the enemy breaks through the defense line, he will not go far. At most, the invaders will advance 30-40 km, and then stop, since the Russian Federation does not have the appropriate operational and strategic reserves.

They will also be afraid of attacks on the flanks. We have time during which we must quickly transfer all the necessary weapons, as well as prepare units to carry out actions, according to the plans of the General Staff, — says the military observer.

Рамштайн-21, помощь США и горячие участки: главные события недели на фронте

It is important to note that, as Oleg Starikov reports, the Russian Federation has not yet gone on the offensive, since they do not yet have the prerequisites for this at the operational-tactical level. Therefore, the most important thing for Ukraine now is to stabilize the front.

On Kupyansk direction after two months of calm, the enemy began to become active, in particular, near Krakhmalny.

– But such actions of the Russian Federation there are connected with Ukraine’s attempts to transfer reserves from the Kupyansky direction to Ocheretino, Donetsk region.

In general, the front is in a positional state, in a so-called dead end. The enemy is trying to stretch troops along the entire front line and find our weak points. He does this in order to prevent us from transferring reserves from areas that are less active in terms of combat to those areas where the invaders are pressing especially hard, — added Oleg Starikov.

The situation is similar in other sectors of the front; relative calm is observed only on the Southern Front.

— The enemy is increasing offensive operations along the entire front line, with the exception of the Southern Front, starting from Krynoki and ending with Orekhovo. There's a calm there, — notes a military observer.

Рамштайн-21, помощь США и горячие участки: главные события недели на фронте

US aid for Ukraine

The main event of the week was the approval by the US Congress of assistance to Ukraine in the amount of more than $60 billion. So about $49.9 billion will be spent on defense spending.

However, now, according to a military observer, the main thing is that this equipment reaches the front as quickly as possible.

— Aid from the United States still needs to reach Ukraine – and this will take time. Everything must be done to quickly deliver allocated aid to our troops. Wars are won by generals and correct logistics. When all the weapons are delivered to the line of combat, the active units will receive the necessary nomenclature to deter enemy actions, — says Oleg Starikov.

Also this week, the United States confirmed the transfer of ATACMS missiles to Ukraine. And such revenues, according to military expert, former SBU employee Ivan Stupak, will make it possible to hit enemy targets with high added value.

Destruction of the Ka-32 and defeat of targets in the Russian Federation

As military observer Oleg Starikov noted, Ramstein can be attributed to Ukraine’s political successes this week.

– In tactical terms, I don’t really see the enemy’s successes. Yes, there were corresponding counterattacks, but they were carried out in order to contain the enemy and prevent him from passing, — noted by a military observer.

Ukraine’s successes also include the special operations to destroy the Russian Ka-32 helicopter and the defeat of two oil depots in the Smolensk region, as well as an oil refinery in the Krasnodar Territory. As a result of the latest attack one of the factories suspended operations.

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