Home » Putin’s main tool: how the Kremlin head’s nuclear rhetoric is changing

Putin’s main tool: how the Kremlin head’s nuclear rhetoric is changing

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc90 class="news-annotation">Russian dictator Vladimir Putin understands that he will lose in the event of a direct clash with NATO. Nuclear weapons are the main tool that allows you to intimidate the West and limit its reaction.

However, fear among Ukrainian allies is gradually beginning to disappear, so in Russia resort to new narratives. Russian publicist from the USA Andrei Piontkovsky shared this thought on air on 24 Channel.

How the Kremlin's nuclear rhetoric has changed

In 2018, a Russian agent, military intelligence general Dmitry Trenin, ran to the United States and begged not to provide Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine. As if Russia could use nuclear weapons because of the transfer of these weapons. The same situation occurred with the transfer of Patriot air defense systems, HIMARS artillery systems, Abrams tanks and other weapons.

On February 6, 2022, Vladimir Putin, during a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, warned that Russia could use nuclear weapons if absolutely necessary.

February 24, 2022 in his address to the Russian the dictator once again reminded: if countries interfere in the so-called “NWO”, the consequences for them will become irreparable over the last thousand years.

However, recently the Ukrainian partners destroyed the last so-called ” red lines”: the United States provided Ukraine with American ATACMS missiles with a range of 300 kilometers and there was no public ban on the use of Western weapons on Russian territory.

The “red lines” were in effect as long as the West feared that Putin might use nuclear weapons. Here, Putin was psychologically outplayed by Macron when he said that the question needs to be raised correctly – about Russia’s defeat. For this, France is ready, if necessary, to send its Armed Forces to Ukraine,” Piontkovsky noted. nuclear weapons. Then Macron said two things: “We are already participating in a war on the territory of Ukraine. Our and British specialists, together with the Ukrainians, are working on servicing the missiles.” In addition, he recalled that France is also a nuclear power. This shocked all Russian propaganda,” he added.

Z-patriots began to make noise that Paris declared war on Russia. Therefore, the Russians supposedly need to strike the French, and not necessarily with nuclear weapons. That is, the spectrum of threats has changed. This is also evidenced by the statement of the press secretary of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. She said that Russia would be forced to shoot down foreign planes that appear in Ukraine.

The West has realized that nuclear threats are empty blackmail. Putin was simply blown away after Macron’s words about France having nuclear weapons. Now the talk about nuclear power is over. Narratives about the “Korean scenario” for Ukraine or a protracted war are already being heard from the Kremlin, stated Andrei Piontkovsky.

Nuclear weapons: current news

  • Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said that the United States threatens to destroy all Russian military positions in Ukraine if Russia uses nuclear weapons. China and India also warned the Kremlin against using nuclear weapons. In addition, if the Kremlin decides to use it, then Japan and Korea will also become nuclear powers, although they do not want this. Southern Military District. The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the purpose of these exercises is to practice the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons in order to be ready to respond to “threats and provocations.” In particular, the occupiers are practicing the tasks of obtaining special ammunition for the Iskander complex, equipping missiles and secretly moving into a position area to prepare for launches.
  • It is known that a military base near Osipovichi. As they write in the media, this is where the Kremlin can store nuclear weapons. Satellite photos show new high-security zones and other structures that resemble Russian nuclear warhead storage facilities.

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