Putin seeks to copy other historical figures, but he cannot do it/Getty Images
Somewhere behind the curb in a large office with golden monograms, a dwarf gray man is now looking at these photos.
Born to crawl, he won't be able to fly
For many years, a personal cup and containers for urine and feces have been carried behind him, and he negotiates with his closest associates at a 30-meter table.
No matter how much Putin tries to be great, to inscribe his name in history at the level of either Stalin, or Alexander III, or Peter I, the result is a meaningless fart.
No matter how much he plagiarizes Hitler's rhetorical figures and shakes nuclear warheads in the name of a great story, the world will remember raped children, torn animals, Botox, “gray moth” and suitcases with g*mn.
European leaders visited Irpin, destroyed by the Russians/Photo from Facebook by Tatiana Danilenko
Putin did not ignore the photo of Zelensky's historic meeting with EU leaders/Photo from Facebook by Tatyana Danilenko
Leaders of Italy, Franz Germany and Germany made a historic visit to Kyiv/Photo from Facebook Tatiana Danilenko