Home » Putin will begin to increase the stakes – a political scientist explained why the West is afraid to provide long-range missiles

Putin will begin to increase the stakes – a political scientist explained why the West is afraid to provide long-range missiles

by alex

The supply of weapons from Western partners will definitely benefit Ukraine and help de-occupy its territories. However, the West continues to leverage all fears and possible risks.

Political scientist Oleksandr Antonyuk told about this Channel 24. According to him, Russian President Vladimir Putin really wants the West to show weakness in its decisions.

Western arms supply

Oleksandr Antonyuk said that the Russian dictator is closely following the progress in the supply of weapons for Ukraine.

“Not the supply or detention of weapons, a way to diplomatically resolve this or that situation, if we are talking about war, Putin will always be regarded as a weakling,” he explained.

In his opinion, if Putin senses such sentiments among European or American partners, then for him it will be a signal to increase the stakes and escalate.

Alexander Antonyuk told what actions of Putin the West is afraid of: watch the video =”ltr”>It will be quite difficult for Russia to resist the entire West.

“If the question arises of Russia's uprising with the Western world in terms of armament and numbers, then the indicators are definitely not in Russia's favor,” stressed political scientist.

He is convinced that he is not fully aware of this or does not fully want to be aware of the political leadership of the Kremlin because of his ambitions.

The military, directly those engaged in military affairs are well aware of where this war is leading,” Antonyuk emphasized. >”If we had more powerful artillery, high-precision missile weapons, we would definitely go to the finalization of hostilities regarding the de-occupation of Ukraine today,” he said.

However, the supply of weapons is not the only important decision that the West can make in favor of Ukraine.

The Threat of Nuclear Weapons

Alexander Antonyuk stressed that Western countries should still decide what to do with Russia.

“Of course, the civilized world should not only have a plan for what will happen in the territory that is today called Russia, but under whose protectors the so-called republics will fall apart or secede from Russia,” he explained.

According to the political scientist, the West faces new unresolved issues. For example, nuclear weapons, not only strategic, but also tactical.

“Where is she moving and who is taking her? There are risks that the same nuclear weapons could go to Kadyrov. This is a challenge for world,” he said.

According to him, the second problem is China's position.

Why China is dangerous

China is not the last place in the resolution of existing conflicts.

“We fully understand that most of the resource-rich territories, rather in total, will fall under the protectorate of China,” Antonyuk added.

He stressed that while the country has a totalitarian regime, this is evidence of a very high level of threats to the civilized world. The reason is life on the principle of dictatorship, totalitarianism, nuclear weapons, a numerical army, excellent provision of water and other resources. This can lead to further occupation and the imposition of totalitarianism in other states.

The presence of countries with a totalitarian regime is always a threat in military confrontations, as in neighboring countries as well as at the global level. the political scientist remarked.

Antonyuk explained that the West is in no hurry to make decisions quickly, because it simply does not know what to do conditionally in the event of the collapse of Russia. However, leaving a terrorist country is definitely not an option. Western countries are well aware of this.

“If you leave it, then again you will get the Third World War on a global scale,” the political scientist emphasized.

Alexander Antonyuk summed up that while “global players” accept or model certain situations in order to make a decision, we receive military supplies in the form in which they are.

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