Home ยป “Putin will bargain with Washington and Berlin”: why does Russia need pseudo-referendums

“Putin will bargain with Washington and Berlin”: why does Russia need pseudo-referendums

by alex

the occupiers put on a show with “referendums” in the temporarily occupied territories. Nobody knows what will happen after them, but it is obvious that Putin will definitely try to manipulate the results of these “expressions of will.” . He also noted that, in his opinion, Putin will now try to imitate these “referendums”, then the Duma should vote for “accession”.

“And then he will call Berlin and Washington and try to bargain “, – Nikolai Davidyuk believes.

According to him, in this case, Putin will already put forward a number of demands and say what he wants. “This will be the moment of bargaining when everything ready will be brought to the table,” the political scientist is convinced.

It is under such conditions that he will probably put pressure on Ukraine to the negotiating table, – the expert believes.

Nikolay Davilyuk adds that it is necessary to understand that Putin is a notorious shorthand who is trying to realize himself using Ukraine.

According to the political scientist, the problem is that “saving Putin's face” has already been going on for the 8th year and no one knows how to “save” it. “He just needs to be turned into a scarecrow and placed in the next room with Lenin,” he concludes.

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