Home » Putin was “allowed” to join the EU, but there were scared of the probable army of Europe

Putin was “allowed” to join the EU, but there were scared of the probable army of Europe

by alex

Putin was “allowed” by Ukraine to join the EU, but there are frightened by the probable army of Europe Sofia Rozhik < Source _ngContent-SC175 = "" Media = "(min-width: 621px) and (max-width: 1920px)" Type = " Image/Webp "srcset =" https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2755799.jpg~6~v=1739871012000& AMP ; amp; output = webp & amp; q = 70 ">< source _ngcontent-sc175 =" "Fetchpriority =" High "Media =" (Max-Width: 620px) "Type =" Image/WEBP "SR CSET = "https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2755799.jpg..63~v=1739871012000&amp ;IMP ;IW=480&AMP ;2270&AMP ;270&AMP ;fit=CoVER&AP ;UMP ;UutPUTPUTE= Webp & q = 70 ">< source _ngContent-sc175 =" "type =" imge/webp "srcset =" https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/275579 9.jpg ? v = 1739871012000 & amp; w = 1200 & amp; h = 675 & amp; fit = coceur & amp; output = webp & amp; q = 70 ">< img _ngconten T-SC175 = "" Class = "Main-news-photo" src = "https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2755799.jpg~6..v=1739871012000" Altin is no longer against Putin’s entry into the EU in the EU. "Title =" Putin is no longer against Ukraine’s entry into the EU "> < p _ngContent-sc178 =" "appinViewport =" "class =" News-Annotation "> < Strong _ngContent-SC178 =" "> Russia talked about Ukraine's entry into the EU. Suddenly, the Kremlin propagandists said that they were not against this, believing that their opinion is supposedly worth something.

60 > at the same time, it seems, Russians The future army of Europe is pretty scared. It is reported by < strong > 24 channel with reference to Rossmi.

< H2 class = "News-Subtitle" > Russia wants to track Creation of the Army of Europe 60 > propaganda telegram channels distribute interviews with the Putin's minister Dmitry Peskov. ~ 60 >< P > Kremlin representative that the Kremlin said that Russia does not mind the possible entry of Ukraine to the European Union, because it is a “sovereign law of Kyiv.”

~ 60 > such “resolution” the country-terrorist decided to voice it because the EU is not a military alliance .

~ 60 > while Peskov expressed fears regarding the future strong European army. EU plans create EU plans Own army must be carefully monitored and concluded, – the frightened propagandist issued.

~ 60 > by the way, in Russia, it seems that they are pretty preoccupied with the security of their country.

< p > so recently, Peskov said that Dmitry Peskov announced the need to obtain “security guarantees” for Russia before starting peace negotiations.

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