Putin was “allowed” by Ukraine to join the EU, but there are frightened by the probable army of Europe Sofia Rozhik < Source _ngContent-SC175 = "" Media = "(min-width: 621px) and (max-width: 1920px)" Type = " Image/Webp "srcset =" https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2755799.jpg~6~v=1739871012000& AMP ; amp; output = webp & amp; q = 70 ">< source _ngcontent-sc175 =" "Fetchpriority =" High "Media =" (Max-Width: 620px) "Type =" Image/WEBP "SR CSET = "https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2755799.jpg..63~v=1739871012000& ;IMP ;IW=480& ;2270& ;270& ;fit=CoVER&AP ;UMP ;UutPUTPUTE= Webp & q = 70 ">< source _ngContent-sc175 =" "type =" imge/webp "srcset =" https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/275579 9.jpg ? v = 1739871012000 & amp; w = 1200 & amp; h = 675 & amp; fit = coceur & amp; output = webp & amp; q = 70 ">< img _ngconten T-SC175 = "" Class = "Main-news-photo" src = "https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2755799.jpg~6..v=1739871012000" Altin is no longer against Putin’s entry into the EU in the EU. "Title =" Putin is no longer against Ukraine’s entry into the EU "> < p _ngContent-sc178 =" "appinViewport =" "class =" News-Annotation "> < Strong _ngContent-SC178 =" "> Russia talked about Ukraine's entry into the EU. Suddenly, the Kremlin propagandists said that they were not against this, believing that their opinion is supposedly worth something.
60 > at the same time, it seems, Russians The future army of Europe is pretty scared. It is reported by < strong > 24 channel with reference to Rossmi. < H2 class = "News-Subtitle" > Russia wants to track Creation of the Army of Europe 60 > propaganda telegram channels distribute interviews with the Putin's minister Dmitry Peskov. ~ 60 >< P > Kremlin representative that the Kremlin said that Russia does not mind the possible entry of Ukraine to the European Union, because it is a “sovereign law of Kyiv.”~ 60 > such “resolution” the country-terrorist decided to voice it because the EU is not a military alliance .
~ 60 > while Peskov expressed fears regarding the future strong European army. 62> EU plans create EU plans Own army must be carefully monitored and concluded, – the frightened propagandist issued.
~ 60 > by the way, in Russia, it seems that they are pretty preoccupied with the security of their country.
< p > so recently, Peskov said that Dmitry Peskov announced the need to obtain “security guarantees” for Russia before starting peace negotiations. 62>