Home » Putin undertook to save the situation: how the “elections” in Russia were influenced by the campaign of volunteers

Putin undertook to save the situation: how the “elections” in Russia were influenced by the campaign of volunteers

by alex

One of the goals of Russian volunteers is to disrupt the re-election of Vladimir Putin in the Belgorod and Kursk regions. The new raid of the Russian Volunteer Corps, the Freedom of Russia Legion and the Siberian Battalion is unlikely to affect the result of the so-called elections, but will greatly tickle the nerves of the head of the Kremlin.

This opinion 24 Channelsaid political strategist Mikhail Sheitelman. He added that now the dictator has rushed to save the situation, so he gives interviews to propagandists and records meaningless appeals to the people.

Panic is present

Russian volunteers managed to create panic at the national level. A journalist from Belgorod, who runs a telegram channel, spoke on one of the liberal Russian channels that broadcasts abroad. He complained that supposedly Ukraine was hitting some senseless targets, but at the same time he himself said that there was panic in the region.

It seems to me that this task has been completed. In addition, I believe that we managed to induce panic in Putin,” said Sheitelman.

The Russian president always tried to do everything as quietly as possible, but then he suddenly became more active. First, he gave a huge interview to propagandist Dmitry Kiselev, and the next day he made a meaningless appeal to the people of Russia.

The consequences of the new raid by Russian volunteers will in no way affect the result of the “elections” . Therefore, there is no need to expect that turnout will decrease or that Russians will not vote for the dictator. They will vote like they did with Alexander Lukashenko in 2020, when the election results were completely falsified.

The main thing is that the complex of actions of Russian volunteers and the actions of our drones greatly weakened Putin’s support, especially among regional elites.

I think that now they (Russian elites – Channel 24) are extremely dissatisfied with the dictator,” added the political strategist.< /p>

For example, pay attention to what is happening with the largest Russian oil refining company, Lukoil. After two oil refineries were bombed, the company's vice president hanged himself in his office. By the way, this is the fourth president of Lukoil who has died since the beginning of the full-scale invasion.

“Elections” in Russia: the latest news

  • On March 15, a three-day re-election of the dictator began in Russia. Many incidents occur at this coven. For example, a woman tried to set fire to a ballot box.
  • The Main Intelligence Directorate reported that the Russian Ministry of Defense allowed military personnel to vote without appearing at the polling station. This solution greatly facilitates the falsification of results.
  • However, on election day, the electronic voting system suddenly stopped working. Russians cannot vote, or their votes are not counted at all.

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