Home » Putin spoke about NATO’s desire to take over Russia: what detail was ridiculed by netizens

Putin spoke about NATO’s desire to take over Russia: what detail was ridiculed by netizens

by alex

Putin was ridiculed for a Brioni suit for 600 thousand rubles/Collage 24 Channel

Vladimir Putin appeared on the forum the day before. Attentive viewers saw a detail that once again confirms the hypocrisy of the president of the aggressor country.

During his speech, Vladimir Putin was quite serious < strong>told stories that NATO had a desire to take over Russia. He also spoke about the harmful influence of the West and the importance of so-called import substitution.

The devil is in the details

It would seem that the Russian President should take an example from Alexander Lukashenko and dress in clothes from local manufacturers. But the head of the aggressor country cannot resist and does not deny himself luxury.

So, at this interview he sat in a suit from the brand, who works in a NATO member country. We are talking about Italian brand Brioni. It is rightly considered one of the most prestigious clothing brands for men.

Putin appeared in public in a Brioni suit for 600 – 700 thousand rubles/Screenshot from video

So, the video of propagandist Pavel Zarubin played a cruel joke on Putin. In the video you can see the lining of the jacket when Vladimir Putin was adjusting something there. It is easy to recognize the logo of this Italian brand Brioni.

It is clear that netizens have already begun to actively ridicule Vladimir Putin. Like, in a suit for 600 – 700 thousand rubles he tells the Russians how NATO wanted to attack them.

Putin was ridiculed online for wearing an expensive Brioni suit/Screenshot of the message

Putin talks about NATO’s desire to take over Russia, the harmful influence of the West and the importance of import substitution in a Brioni suit from the NATO country Italy. The price, by the way, is 600 – 700 thousand rubles, excluding the cost of individual adjustment,” noted one of the users of the X network.

As we can see, Vladimir Putin has weakness for Italian brands. Well, he can’t refuse them. And this despite the fact that he calls on the population of his own country to use so-called import substitution. In fact, other netizens also shared their outraged thoughts regarding the image of the Russian president:

  • “And you know what the most funny. Even in this branded expensive suit from the decaying West, by some miracle he still looks like a gopnik who doesn’t even know how to wear a coat, let alone a tailored suit”,
  • “News for me too! Everyone has long known that Briony sews the best suits in the world for runts”,
  • “When he puts on a padded jacket, then we will believe.”
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    Please note that Vladimir Putin, in an interview with a Russian propagandist, complained about a conversation with Tucker Johnson. Like, he “didn’t get pleasure” from it. And, of course, he issued a whole series of cynical statements.

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