Home » “Putin really counts on this”: what threat could Trump pose to Europe

“Putin really counts on this”: what threat could Trump pose to Europe

by alex

Former President of the United States of America Donald Trump is known for his controversial and harsh statements. They could very likely create a split in the Euro-Atlantic space.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is counting on this, as became obvious from his messages to the Federal Assembly of Russia. About this 24 Channelsaid political scientist Igor Chalenko, noting that it is important to prevent a decrease in the US presence in Europe.

Europe understands the risks

The political scientist explained that statements by French President Emmanuel Macron about the possible introduction of NATO troops into Ukraine and Italian Foreign Ministry Prime Minister Antonio Tajani about the need to create a pan-European army may carry the risk of a rift in the Atlantic, which will bring more negativity than positivity, in particular, to the United States.

It is no coincidence that the founder of SpaceX, Elon Musk, and the American journalist Tucker Carlson began speaking simultaneously. The first one shouts “why is NATO at all?”, and the other supports his opinion and continues to “softly” introduce “Moscow temniki” in the American space. The same thing is now being demonstrated by a number of radical groups in the US Republican Party.

That is, “why is NATO needed?”. The question is no longer about money, but the question is whether the United States needs to be there or not. When such a discussion begins, European countries simply reformat their security agenda (agenda – Channel 24). And this, by the way, can be a huge negative for the United States,” Chalenko noted.

Then China will even try to take into account its own interests in building a pan-European security system. Therefore, now the United States has put itself in a certain “stretch” when it has to fight in line with its election campaign for the presidency, but at the same time not break the North Atlantic Alliance. Because NATO is in fact the most effective collective security structure for the entire existence of this format.

Russia is trying to split Europe

As of now, two questions arise:

  • will the US really be able to defend the strength? It is obvious that by strengthening the European countries, NATO is becoming even better. Ukraine's course to increase capabilities and compatibility with the norms of the Alliance also generally strengthens it; and America will mind its own affairs”?

Monroe Doctrine

US Political Doctrine, part of the Seventh Address to Congress by then US President James Monroe, promulgated on December 2, 1823. In general, the entire doctrine boiled down to three principles: division into spheres of influence of America and Europe; non-colonization; non-intervention. The whole world took the Monroe Doctrine into account; it became the ideological basis of a new political order for the rest of America and changed the role of Europe in the Western Hemisphere.

“Now we stand at a certain point of bifurcation (change in behavior – Channel 24) in general distribution of the balance of power in the world. Putin is very much counting on this. Pay attention to his message (to the Federal Assembly of Russia – Channel 34), he actually hinted at this – about a single indivisible security contour in Eurasia,” emphasized Igor Chalenko.

Today the Russian machine is doing everything to break the integrity of NATO – this cannot be allowed. Therefore, Americans need to form safeguards so that the United States does not reduce its own presence in the European part of the world.

Donald Trump's latest scandalous statements

  • Former US President and presidential candidate Donald Trump believes that there is no justification for Prince Harry’s actions towards the British royal family. The 77-year-old politician is outraged by what he believes is a too lenient attitude towards the Duke of Sussex by the Joe Biden administration.
  • A few weeks earlier, Trump said that Biden would win the US presidential election will give Ukraine to Vladimir Putin. Also, according to him, he will do more to protect Ukraine than Biden.
  • Also, the former US president, who wants re-election to a second presidential term, said that he would encourage Russia attack any of the US NATO allies that it believes have not met their financial obligations.

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