Home » Putin no longer controls many areas in Russia: what will be the final blow to the dictator's regime

Putin no longer controls many areas in Russia: what will be the final blow to the dictator's regime

by alex

During the year of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the configuration of forces in the Kremlin has partially changed. Vladimir Putin is no longer the person who completely controls all the processes in Russia.

Russian opposition journalist Igor Yakovenko spoke about thisChannel 24. According to him, the Russian dictator is gradually losing authority among his entourage.

Also, the number of areas still under Putin's control has significantly decreased.

“Putin continues to keep the country in general in subordination. However, he has less and less control over key processes,” Yakovenko said.

Vladimir Putin does not influence the course of the war in Ukraine in any way

According to the journalist, in particular, the Russian dictator cannot control much that is connected with the war in Ukraine. As Yakovenko noted, when it comes to war, there is not a monologue here, but even a certain “dialogue”, in which Ukraine more and more seizes the initiative.

“Although now Russia has temporarily seized the initiative, there is no merit of Putin here. After all, he does not influence the situation at the front in any way,” the journalist said.

The dictator is losing control over the army

He added that the Russian dictator is gradually losing control over the Russian army.

Now Russia is in the process of privatizing the army. Putin does not control part of the troops, in particular, private military companies, – said Yakovenko.

According to him, the head of the Kremlin cannot control:

  • PPK “Wagner”;< /li>
  • Ramzan Kadyrov's militant units;
  • private military companies, of which more than two dozen have already been created in Russia.

The last page in the history of Russia

Also, as noted a journalist, a dictator hardly controls the economy. Indeed, in January, Russian budget revenues decreased by 35%.

Putin controls fewer areas. However, on the whole, he is still holding the country. And he will keep it until a serious military defeat from the Ukrainian army,” Yakovenko said.

He added that the spring offensive of the Ukrainian army, which will receive NATO weapons, will lead to the fact that the dictator will no longer control anything in Russia.

“And then, most likely, unrest will begin, which will develop into a mafia war . This will be a new and probablylast page in the history of Russia“, the journalist emphasized.

What is happening in Russia: in short< /h2>

  • Roskomnadzor conducts systematic monitoring of social networks in Russia and seeks out those who leave insulting words about Putin in comments and publications. The agency even has a memo listing banned words that should not be used to refer to the dictator.
  • Russians will mark the anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine on February 22. A concert is being organized at the Luzhniki stadium, which may be attended by Vladimir Putin himself.
  • Also, presumably, on February 22, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is going to. announce a message to parliament.

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