Home » Putin may be given a new warrant: what will the dictator be tried for?

Putin may be given a new warrant: what will the dictator be tried for?

by alex

Putin may receive a new warrant / Collage 24 Channel

Evidence has emerged that Russia was planning to cause a deliberate famine in Ukraine and was preparing for this in advance. Therefore, the International Criminal Court may issue a new warrant for the detention of Vladimir Putin.

This is stated in a new report from the international human rights law firm Global Rights Compliance (GRC). According to their information, Russia was actively preparing to steal Ukrainian grain reserves, because the goal was to starve the Ukrainians to death.

Russia was preparing back in 2021

According to new data, when Russian tanks crossed the Ukrainian border in February 2022, the occupiers deliberately targeted grain-rich areas and food production infrastructure.

As experts note, at the end of December 2021, the Russian defense contractor began purchasing trucks for transporting grain, as well as three new 170-meter dry cargo ships. According to experts, this indicates a plan to steal Ukrainian food “on an unprecedented scale.”

The occupiers stole grain

In addition, less than a week after the invasion, Russia began seizing Ukrainian farms. Then the occupiers exported 12 thousand tons of grain from the occupied territories every day.

Russia will face punishment

The goal of the GRC study is to provide evidence to the International Criminal Court that Russia wanted to use hunger as a tool of war. This will allow the first ever prosecution of its kind to begin.

Global Rights Compliance partner Catriona Murdoch says it is “very likely” that Russia will be found guilty. And then the International Criminal Court in The Hague will be able to issue another arrest warrant to Putin.

Russia not only took a multilateral approach, besieging civilians and destroying critical infrastructure, but also pre-planned the seizure and theft of Ukrainian agricultural products, Murdoch told The Independent.

She added that Moscow provoked a global food crisis and attacked Ukraine's agricultural sector as a tool of war.

Not only Putin to The Hague: Lukashenko may receive a warrant

  • The second part of communications regarding the involvement of Alexander Lukashenko and his accomplices in war crimes in Ukraine was transferred to the prosecutor's office of the International Criminal Court. In particular, it talks about the illegal movement of Ukrainian children.
  • According to Belarusian oppositionist Pavel Latushko, more than 3,000 Ukrainian children were taken from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine from more than 20 cities and towns. Of these, according to our estimates, 2,100 are children.
  • Latushko noted that among them there are also orphans. The team of the People's Anti-Crisis Management has already established specific personal data of 37 Ukrainian children who were illegally deported.

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