Home ยป Putin kills with pleasure: Olevsky listed whom and gave reasons

Putin kills with pleasure: Olevsky listed whom and gave reasons

by alex

Russian President Vladimir Putin sincerely hates the people who are now being killed in Ukraine. As it turns out, this could also be his plan.

This was announced on Channel 24 by Russian opposition journalist, editor of The Insider Timur Olevsky. He listed who exactly is disadvantageous to the head of the Kremlin.

Putin kills those he hates

Such a list, according to Timur Olevsky, includes Ukrainians convicted under serious and other articles, people with mental illnesses, whom Putin calls psychos. And it is precisely this category of the population that the Wagner PMC recruits, the speaker stressed.

“It's not all – Buryats, minority residents who can potentially claim their rights to the territory where they make up a conditional majority. That is, these are people who Putin sincerely does not like. Their lives simply do not cost anything to him and he wants so that there are fewer of them,” Olevsky said.

Timur Olevsky about Putin's “SVO”: watch the video

The people who are now being killed are not accidental.

By killing previously named categories of people, Putin “preserves his budget,” because the dead no longer claim payments from the pension fund. As for the Ukrainians, it speaks of the absolute hatred of the head of the Kremlin as a nation.

The people who are now being killed are not accidental. I think Putin's idea is that the war will end at the 1991 border. It's not terrible for him. He loses nothing, but gains by killing the people he wanted to kill. He does it with pleasure, – summed up Timur Olevsky.

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