Home » Putin is a suicide: how long does it take to exhaust all Russia’s financial possibilities?

Putin is a suicide: how long does it take to exhaust all Russia’s financial possibilities?

by alex

In Western countries, it is widely believed that Vladimir Putin will not stop on the territory of Ukraine and has plans to attack NATO countries. At the same time, two years of war have depleted the Russian economy, and new military campaigns will require more funds and resources.

Ex-employee of the KGB and the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Sergei Zhirnov told 24 Channel that Putin does not care at all how much new wars will cost Russia. After all, most of this money is printed by the Central Bank of Russia. Therefore, as much as is required, they will print as much, despite the fact that in the future this will lead to inflation.

Kills his country

From a logical point of view, it would be deadly for Putin to open another front and launch an offensive against NATO countries covered by Article 5 of the treaty. According to it, the entire bloc may begin to fight with Russia. The NATO bloc is tens of times larger from an economic point of view than Putin's Russia, and its economy cannot withstand it.

Putin is quite a rational person, because if it were the other way around, he could not start a war against Ukraine. This war was not prepared economically and militarily, and it is killing the Russian economy,” noted the ex-KGB officer.

However, Russia is a large country, it has powerful reserves, according to him In her opinion, in particular, she will have enough finances for several years of war.

Yes, Putin is killing his country, killing the economy, consumption, and sooner or later it will come back to haunt him. However, Russia may well maintain the same level of intensity of hostilities for 2–4 years and even open hybrid second fronts. “Now we are not talking about launching tanks and guns into the Baltic countries, but about conducting hacker operations there to stop transport, the energy system, etc.,” he emphasized.

Previously, Putin used emigrants in Belarus and Finland to aggravate the situation. He is trying to launch the same process in the Baltic countries. That is why the question arises in these countries about closing the border with Russia.

“Putin is a suicide, he is an emotional, not a rational person, and such people are even capable of crazy steps “, emphasized Sergei Zhirnov.

More about Putin's plans

  • The Financial Times writes, citing a high-ranking Ukrainian official, that the Russian dictator is preparing for war against the Baltic countries. The media source noted that “Putin simply cannot stop,” and added that this is confirmed by Ukrainian intelligence data.
  • Estonian intelligence also notes that Russia plans to double the number of its military forces stationed along the border with the Baltic countries and Finland. This is evidence of a possible potential military conflict between Russia and NATO countries.
  • At the same time, Swedish Defense Minister Paul Johnson believes that Russia threatens Western countries and is capable of going to great lengths politically and military risks. He added that Ukraine is a shield against Russia's further advance. That is why support for Kyiv is an “investment” in the security of Western countries, in particular Sweden.

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