Home » Putin intimidates – Melnik told how Lithuania reacts to Russia's threats through Kaliningrad

Putin intimidates – Melnik told how Lithuania reacts to Russia's threats through Kaliningrad

by alex

Yaroslav Melnik assessed the mood in Lithuania after Putin's threats/collage of Channel 24

As for the Lithuanian mood, there is still some anxiety. Because everyone sees the example of Ukraine and what Russia is trying to do with it, everyone remembers Bucha and other cities where Russian invaders were.

Ukrainian and Lithuanian writer Yaroslav Melnik told Channel 24 about this. He also noted that the Lithuanians are still calm and continue to “bend their line”.

According to Melnik, they are calm because they are protected by NATO. Today, information has appeared from the United States, which clearly indicated that any invasion of Lithuanian territory will be perceived as an invasion of NATO territory and will entail all the consequences.

Most Lithuanian political scientists are unanimous in their vision – Russia has now concentrated almost its entire army in the Donbass, and it does not have enough resources to fight directly with NATO. – the writer notes.

“The maximum that can be expected is provocations, but it is not known what kind of provocations they can be. Putin very often uses intimidation to achieve his own goals, but the time when he was feared has passed,” adds Yaroslav Melnik.

< p class="bloquote cke-markup"> Of course, the Kremlin dictator continues to intimidate. But let's look at the facts – there are now more than 80 thousand American soldiers in Europe, as well as more than 40 from the Alliance. In fact, these are the 120 thousand with which Putin attacked Ukraine and go into direct conflict with so many military men with modern equipment. Melnik notes.

In part, it is these theses that explain such courage in the adoption of recent decisions by Lithuania, he adds.

Lithuania decided to ban the transit of Russian cargo through the country

As early as June 15, the European Union approved 4 packages of sanctions against Russia for a full-scale war, which she started against Ukraine. The restrictions included a ban on the import and transit of Russian steel and other ferrous metal products to and through the EU. These rules came into force only on June 17.

Since Lithuania is a member of the EU, they refused the transit of Russian goods through its territory. On June 18, the Kaliningrad authorities announced that Lithuania was not allowing transit trains with goods to pass. The Kremlin immediately caught fire. Russian propagandists began to call it “the blockade of Kaliningrad.” Traditionally, the Russian authorities took up threats. They say that the actions of Vilnius were “discovered by a provocation” and some kind of fictitious violation. The Russians even called the Lithuanian ambassador “on the carpet”.

Swamp hysteria

Kafirs say that they are still deciding how they will react to the restrictions, they say, now their hands are “untied” . At the same time, the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that they were simply complying with the decision of the European Union.

Due to Lithuania's refusal to transit, the Russians decided to conduct military exercises in the Kaliningrad region, that is, immediately near the border with Lithuania. So, on June 20, the soldiers of the “Second Army of the World” began to train to fire from the Grad and Uragan multiple launch rocket systems, as well as the Hyacinth large-caliber guns and other artillery weapons.

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