Home » Putin finally suspended Russia's participation in the nuclear weapons treaty

Putin finally suspended Russia's participation in the nuclear weapons treaty

by alex

On February 21, Vladimir Putin announced the suspension of Russia's participation in the Strategic Offensive Arms Treaty (START). After that, he was silent for almost a week, and on the last day of winter he signed the corresponding law.

The contract has been suspended

According to this law, the validity of the Treaty is suspended from the same day when the document was officially published. This was reported on the “Official Internet Portal of Legal Information”, writes Channel 24.

Note that Russia's participation in START can also be resumed; for this, the president of the terrorist country must make the appropriate decision.

How Putin's decision was explained in Russia

According to Russian media, the explanatory note to the law indicates the reason for this decision. Thus, the Treaty provides that in order to ensure control over compliance with the provisions of GOOS, each of the parties has the right to carry out inspection activities.

At the same time, the United States deliberately fails to fulfill its obligations under the Treaty in this area of activity, the Russian Mass Media emphasize.

It should be noted that back on February 21, Putin said that this decision was “forced” and dictated by the need to ensure Russia's security, because the nuclear countries continue to develop their weapons and “ignite the escalation of the Ukrainian conflict.” He also complained that the Western countries used the Treaty to try to inflict a strategic defeat on the aggressor country.

So, under such conditions, he cannot imagine the US military conducting inspections and “roaming around” at Russian nuclear facilities.

Putin's spokesman Peskov said Russia could return to the treaty. One on the condition that the West listens to “Moscow's concerns about security issues.” Now, according to him, in the statements of Western leaders one can hear “uncompromising condemnation of Russia and the absence of any readiness to take into account its concerns.”

What is START-3 or New START

This is the last arms control treaty between the US and Russia. The document was signed in Prague in the spring of 2010 for a 10-year period. On February 3, 2021, the US continued the New Start. The agreement provides that each side reduces its stockpile of nuclear warheads to 1,550 units, as well as to 700 units for deployed carriers – intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles and heavy bombers.

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