Home » Punisher drone: main characteristics, purposes and features

Punisher drone: main characteristics, purposes and features

by alex

Punisher is an unmanned attack and reconnaissance complex. It was created by UA Dynamics for the MTR of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. What is known about the Punisher drone and what are its key characteristics – read the material.

Punisher drone: what is known, price and how it was created

The Punisher complex is one combat drone and three sets of batteries, a catapult, and a ground control station. The package includes: trackball and antenna cable, ballistic calculator, set of modular components, transport cases, spare parts and repair kit.

The complex is controlled by a crew of three interchangeable specialists (including the main pilot and two assistants). The development of the unmanned system began back in 2016. Therefore, by February 2022, the UAV had carried out about 120 missions.

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The drone bomber is also used for medical rescue purposes (the complexes can carry containers with medicines that are dropped to help the wounded). The whole complex costs about $50 thousand, and the aircraft itself costs about $10 thousand.

Punisher drone: main characteristics

  • impact radius – 45 km;
  • speed (maximum) – 50 m/s;
  • combat load – 3 kg;
  • destruction of targets at distances of 25/30/35/40/45 km.

Photo — screenshot

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