Home » Punish Russians for crimes: the researcher told why the project “Ukraine testifies” is important

Punish Russians for crimes: the researcher told why the project “Ukraine testifies” is important

by alex

The project “Ukraine testifies” is to demonstrate to the whole world all the horrors of war, from those people who could survive. In addition to legal documentation of war crimes, in order to bring the perpetrators to justice, there is also a social component – the creation of a Memorial of Memory, which shows us and future generations what we had to go through.

About this said Natalia Bimbirayte, a human rights activist and researcher of the Ukraine Testifies project. She also noted that this is a great evil, these war crimes must be punished.

According to her, Russia has not yet been punished for all those wars on its initiative, unfortunately.

“Our project is no less important than our victory. It is worth noting that our project has two components: legal and social,” Bimbirayte adds.

We have a very powerful team – Ukrainian journalists, historians, military tribunals, war researchers. We collect stories and monitor the situation and document the testimony. I am from Kherson, so a lot of people know me and contact me,” the researcher notes.

According to Natalia Bimbirayte, how many such stories are unknown, the only way we have is documented testimony by the police. “There are many stories that we simply do not know, and people are simply afraid to speak,” the expert concludes.

Analysts at the Institute for the Study of War said the Kremlin has openly admitted defeat for the first time since the start of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Now the occupiers are actively discussing its causes and are trying in every possible way to remove responsibility from Vladimir Putin.

Kremlin officials and propagandists are actively discussing the reasons for Russia's defeat in the Kharkov region, and their rhetoric has changed a lot. All these active discussions in order to “remove responsibility for the defeat from the path” and shift it to “insufficiently informed military advisers” from the dictator's entourage.

Propagandists in their “assessments” blame the military, who did not see the concentration Ukrainian troops and equipment and ignored the warnings about the imminent counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region, which was actively discussed in telegram channels.

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