Home ยป Published a fragment of the intercepted conversation between Putin and the leaders of the militants in 2017

Published a fragment of the intercepted conversation between Putin and the leaders of the militants in 2017

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc148="" class="news-annotation">Dictator Vladimir Putin was personally to blame for the downing of a Boeing 777 by separatists in 2014. He communicated directly with the leaders of the quasi-republics. This is confirmed by telephone conversations actively distributed by the network.

Actually, on one of the recordings of a call from Luhansk collaborator Igor Plotnitsky to the President of Russia, one can hear that Putin promises to support the separatists. Obviously, it was thanks to the Kremlin dictator that the “militias” received from Russia the famous Buk anti-aircraft missile systems, which hit a Boeing 777 passenger plane over the Donetsk region on July 17, 2014.

Putin will be responsible for the downing of the plane

On Wednesday, February 8, Deputy Attorney General of the Netherlands Digna van Butzelar stated that the investigation into this case was over. Despite the statements of hostile propagandists, it was Russia and its leadership that were still found guilty of the tragedy.

As the investigators noted, there is enough evidence to believe that Putin personally granted the terrorists' requests regarding the transfer of the Buk air defense system. At the same time, journalist Andrey Tsaplienko published on his Telegram channel an intercepted telephone conversation between Putin and one of the separatist leaders, Plotnitsky.

Note that this entry is dated November 2017 and does not specifically state that Putin made a decision to provide weapons to the separatists. However, after listening to this intercept, it becomes obvious that the Russian president communicated directly with the leaders of the quasi-republics and contributed to the fact that the war in Donbass only escalated every year.

Igor Venediktovich, kind day. How do you assess the military situation? There is no escalation,โ€ Putin asks the terrorist.

In addition, it should be said that during this dialogue, Putin confirms that he is ready to personally meet with the separatists. This is yet another proof that the Kremlin has not been interested in peace and conflict settlement all these years. Actually, the present personally did everything to ensure that the militia committed terrorist acts since 2014, in particular, they shot down a Boeing 777.

How Ukraine reacted to the completion of the investigation

  • Head of the Office of the Prosecutor General Andrey Kostin noted that all Ukrainians knew for a long time that the Russian leadership was to blame for this tragedy.
  • According to him, it is not yet possible to hold Putin personally accountable for this crime. However, Kyiv will do everything to make this happen in the future.
  • In conclusion, we also recall that the Boeing 777 passenger aircraft was making flight MCh17 when this accident occurred. He flew from Amsterdam in the Netherlands and was supposed to arrive in the city of Kuala Lumpur, which is the capital of Malaysia.

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