Home » Proved again that they are terrorists, Kislitsa pointed to the bloody trail behind Russia in the UN General Assembly

Proved again that they are terrorists, Kislitsa pointed to the bloody trail behind Russia in the UN General Assembly

by alex

At an emergency meeting of the UN General Assembly, Permanent Representative of Ukraine Serhiy Kislitsa once again noted that Russia is a country a terrorist who illegally obtained a seat in the Security Council. The diplomat urged to support the resolution on Ukraine.

The diplomat began his speech with words about massive rocket attacks on Ukraine. Sergey Kislitsa noted that among those who were killed by Russia, members of his family.

Back to news content , residential buildings, schools and universities, museums, etc. and noted that the Russian Ministry of Defense recognized these objects as their supposedly legitimate targets.

Intentionally targeting civilians is a war crime. Launching missile strikes on civilians sleeping in their homes or rushing to work, children going to school, Russia has once again proved that it is a terrorist state that must be contained by the strongest means, Kislitsa emphasized.

The diplomat stressed that Russia is trying to restore the so-called “Brezhnev Doctrine”, which provides for interference in the internal affairs of countries “under its zone of influence”. Although Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev recognized the incompatibility of this doctrine with the UN Charter, Russia continues to revive it.

The Permanent Representative of Ukraine compared Russia's actions with the actions of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, when it carried out the Anschluss through referendums. The Kremlin seeks to return the world to those times. According to Kislitsa, the UN is now on a turning point – either the organization will restore its credibility, or it will finally collapse, which will have catastrophic consequences.

Also, the Permanent Representative of Ukraine pointed to the trail of blood trailing behind the Russian delegation.


The Russian delegation leaves a trail of blood when it enters the General Assembly; and the hall is filled with the smell of smoldering human flesh. This is what we tolerated for too long in Syria, this is what is happening today in Ukraine. The same dictator in the Kremlin, the same Russian generals, known for the scorched earth tactics in the wars in Syria and Chechnya, and today in Ukraine, Kislitsa emphasized.

The diplomat also once again stressed that Russia is illegally in The UN Security Council, because after the collapse of the USSR, it declared itself the legal successor of the country and replaced it in the Security Council among the permanent members.

Pay attention! At the General Assembly, they will vote for a resolution on Ukraine, which provides for the recognition of the need for a compensation mechanism on which the obligation to pay reparations can be realized. Russia insisted on a closed vote on the resolution, but the General Assembly rejected the idea of ​​the Russians by a majority of votes.

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