Home » Prisoners from Azovstal are kept in more or less satisfactory conditions

Prisoners from Azovstal are kept in more or less satisfactory conditions

by alex

Denis Prokopenko and Sergey Volyn

Regiment commander ” Azov” Denis Prokopenko managed to call his wife from Russian captivity. He spoke about the conditions in which the fighters were kept.

Denis Prokopenko's wife Ekaterina told the details of the conversation with her husband, who is kept by Russian infidels. He was captured after the Azov fighters left the territory of the Azovstal plant in Mariupol.

“He said that everything was fine with him and asked how I was,” said Ekaterina Prokopenko .

The telephone conversation turned out to be short and ended before Denis Prokopenko could tell anything more about his condition, writes AP. And it is still unknown how freely the commander of the Azov regiment could speak.

According to her, a phone call is possible by agreement between the governments of Ukraine and Russia and thanks to the mediation of the Red Cross, which visited some of the Ukrainian soldiers in captivity. According to her, the agreement between Ukraine and Russia guarantees the proper burial of dead soldiers and certain conditions for prisoners of war, including allowing them to communicate by phone with family members several times a week.

According to Kateryna Prokopenko, she was given that the conditions of detention of Ukrainian prisoners are more or less satisfactory.

“They are being fed and given water. The conditions are adequate and in this short period they have not been subjected to violence. What will happen next, of course, we do not know, but at the moment there are third parties – the UN and the Red Cross – in control of the situation” , – said Ekaterina Prokopenko.

She did not specify where her husband was being held. It is known that Ukrainian defenders from the territory of the Azovstal plant are kept in a prison in the village of Olenevka near Donetsk. This is the territory occupied by Russian troops. Some of the seriously wounded fighters are in a hospital in the city of Novoazovsk, also under Russian occupation.

Ekaterina Prokopenko said that, as far as she knows, none of the fighters were taken to Russia.

The evacuation of the defenders of Mariupol from ” Azovstal”: short

  • The Ukrainian military heroically held the defense of Mariupol for three months. Due to the vastly superior forces of the enemy, who used combat aircraft, the Ukrainian defenders had to retreat to the territory of the Azovstal plant. Together with them, civilians of Mariupol were also found to be protected from shelling in the premises of this plant.
  • The territory of the plant was under constant fire from infidels, including heavy weapons.
  • The soldiers of the regiment held the defense “Azov”, marines, as well as soldiers of the National Guard, police, border guards and even the Security Service of Ukraine. All of them did not betray the oath to Ukraine and defended its territorial integrity.
  • All this time, Russian infidels from the moment the city was cordoned off did not allow civilians to leave the territory of the plant. Only at the beginning of May was it possible to organize the first “green corridor” for civilians. In several stages, they managed to get out of there.
  • The operation to rescue the blocked Ukrainian military at Azovstal began on May 16. At that time, 53 seriously wounded defenders were evacuated and taken to a medical facility in occupied Novoazovsk.
  • In addition, another 211 of our defenders were taken to occupied Yelenovka through a humanitarian corridor.
  • On May 20, one of the garrison commanders At Azovstal, Lieutenant Colonel Denis Prokopenko wrote down an appeal, where he said that the top military leadership had given the order to stop the defense of the city. The defenders were captured by Russians.
  • The Ukrainian side stated that all the fighters who were on the territory of the Azovstal plant should subsequently be exchanged for Russian prisoners.
  • Although not all in Russia agree to the exchange of Azov fighters, demanding that they be judged and even executed.

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