Home » Press officer of the 3rd Special Brigade about the defense of Avdeevka: the Russian Federation is dropping dozens of aerial bombs and phosphorus shells

Press officer of the 3rd Special Brigade about the defense of Avdeevka: the Russian Federation is dropping dozens of aerial bombs and phosphorus shells

by alex

Soldiers of the 3rd separate assault brigade hold defensive positions in Avdiivka, despite the occupiers' advantage in resources, as well as an increase in KAB attacks and the enemy's use of phosphorus ammunition.

The press officer of the 3rd assault brigade spoke about this Alexander Borodin on the air of the One News telethon.

50 or more cabs per day

— A very difficult, critical situation. The enemy continues to press — this is an incredible ratio of the two armies (at the brigade level — 7 to 1). Plus the occupiers began to use porcelain ammunition, increased the use of guided aerial bombs (CAB), — he stated in a commentary to Vikna-novin presenter Yana Brenzei.

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According to him, CABs are much worse than artillery — these are dozens of aerial bombs weighing 250 or 500 kg.

— That is, this is 50 or more aerial bombs per day. This is a very large number for such a bridgehead that is being held. And now phosphorus is also used. The tension is rising, — he added.

The situation in Avdiivka on February 16

— We are holding defensive positions. The task is very difficult precisely because of the balance of forces and the endless amount of resources the enemy has… The enemy has constant support, instead of an exhausted battalion, new ones come in and there is no horizon that they might run out of something — both in people and resources, — said Borodin.

He explained why the situation in Avdiivka now is more complicated than in Bakhmut at the critical moment.

— The enemy has a huge number of CABs and equipment. The Wagnerites took care of technology, they worked mostly as people, but here — These are tank attacks together with infantry. A large number of armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, aircraft, FPV drones. This didn’t happen in Bakhmut during the Wagner era, — added by a military man.

That is, it was difficult there, but now in Avdeevka, as Borodin noted, among other things, in some areas it is possible to be hit by the enemy by 360 degrees — from almost all sides, but we are not talking about surroundings.

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