Home » Preparing for a “referendum”: Russians in the Kherson region conduct a propaganda “poll”

Preparing for a “referendum”: Russians in the Kherson region conduct a propaganda “poll”

by alex

Russians in the Kherson region are conducting a propaganda “survey”/”Word and deed” regions continue to prepare the ground for a pseudo-referendum on the possible accession of the region to Russia.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, for this, a fake “social survey” is being conducted in the occupied territories of the region.

Citizens receive calls and unknown people offer to answer a number of manipulative questions that should affect their attitude towards Russia, war, occupation and personally to Vladimir Putin.

Key questions:

  • How do you assess the situation in your region?
  • How do you assess the situation in the city of Kherson?
  • What should local authorities do to improve living conditions?
  • How do you feel about the special military operation in Ukraine?
  • How do you feel about Vladimir Putin?
  • What do you think about the Russian army?
  • In your opinion, should Kherson be part of Russia or follow the path of the “LPR” and “DPR” , or join the “Republic of Crimea”?
  • Are there any relatives in Ukraine and Russia?
  • What should the Ukrainian authorities do: forget about the region, leave it alone, write off debts. What should Russia do for the region: improve education, pensions, roads and the like?

The “results” of the pseudo-survey can be given as an illustration of the loyalty of the local population to the occupiers. After all, there is and cannot be any control over the “purity” of the result of such a study.

Most residents of the temporarily occupied territories of the Kherson region refuse to answer the questions of the occupiers. Those who agree under pressure cannot give a sincere answer because of fears for their own safety, Ukrainian intelligence officers said.

Therefore, even if the holding of the so-called “referendum” is impossible, they may try to “annex” the region based on the results of a “social study”, where the Ukrainians allegedly “expressed support for the occupation regime”.

Interesting!According to a 2018 survey conducted by the Rating group as part of the Portraits of Regions project, 68% of residents of the Kherson region are proud to be citizens of Ukraine. 65% believe that the Ukrainian language should be the only state language.

How the people of Kherson suffer from the actions of the invaders

  • The local population of the Kherson region does not support the invaders. They are even forced to pay money so that people take Russian passports.
  • Recently, the Russian occupiers stopped letting people in and out of the territory of the temporarily occupied Kherson region. And senior officers allowed subordinate soldiers to shoot civilians.
  • In addition, the invaders kidnap local farmers and start torturing them. All in order to continue their agribusiness. Subsequently, the occupiers will take away part of the harvest.
  • Earlier, back in April, Lyudmila Denisova, former Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada, published similar information. According to her, the invaders demanded that the farmers share part of the harvest with them.
  • Besides, the invaders, as always, are engaged in theft. They export Ukrainian fruits and vegetables from Kherson to the temporarily occupied Crimea, where they sell them with the inscription “From Kherson”.

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