Home » Pregnant Russian women go to give birth en masse in Argentina: what is the real reason

Pregnant Russian women go to give birth en masse in Argentina: what is the real reason

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc148="" class="news-annotation">In recent days, a stream of pregnant Russian women has been recorded in Argentina. Migration services began to refuse them entry into the country.

According to the publication, 33 pregnant women (at 32-34 weeks of pregnancy) arrived on one flight to Argentina. At first, several women were not allowed through at passport control, and later they were detained.

Why Russian women go to Argentina en masse

The Argentinean police said that that women came to the country for the sake of having a baby. The fact that a child is born in Argentina predeterminesautomatic acquisition of the country's citizenshipand will allow parents to obtain a passport in two years.

The suspicions of law enforcement officers were caused by the fact that the visas of a Russian citizen were issued “for tourism purposes.” Moscow's isolation from the West has made Argentina a popular destination for families wishing to give their children the privileges of a second citizenship.

The problem is they come, have children, and then leave Argentina to never return. We cannot allow them to shamelessly lie to us, saying that they are tourists, although they are not, – said the director of the Argentine immigration office, Florencia Carignano.

According to the statistics of the Argentine migration service for the past year in the country10,500 pregnant Russian women arrived. A significant part of them left the territory of Argentina after the birth of children.

18 women were detained at the airport

Consequently, the Buenos Aires airport 18 pregnant Russian women were detained on charges of “false tourism”.

Most cynically, the lawyer representing the interests of one of the women, Christian Rubilar, said that histhe client came to Argentina “escaping the war”. The further fate of the detainees will be considered after studying the circumstances of their arrival in Argentina.

Pregnant Russian women “stuck” at the airport of Argentina: video

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