Medical workers are entitled to a preferential pension. Who can receive it, how medical workers can receive a preferential pension in Ukraine in 2024 – in the material of ICTV Facts.
Preferential pension for doctors 2024: who can receive
Medical workers have the right to an old-age pension and/or long service pension on preferential terms.
It all depends on what position the person held and in what health care institution he worked. If a person is simultaneously entitled to different types of pensions, then one of them is assigned. Lists of preferential professions are accepted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
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Preferential old-age pension
Medical workers can count on a preferential pension at 50 and 55 years of age. Employees who worked on list No. 1.
can retire at age 50
List No. 1 includes:
- radiologists, doctors working in interventional radiology departments (x-ray surgery unit);
- junior specialists in x-ray departments and offices;
- junior specialists working in interventional radiology departments (X-ray surgery unit).
You can retire early according to list No. 1 if you have the appropriate length of service:
- 25 years for men – at least 10 of which must be in jobs with particularly hazardous and particularly difficult working conditions;
- 20 years for women – at least 7.5 of which were in jobs with particularly difficult and particularly harmful working conditions.
An exception is that women born in 1975 (or earlier) have the right to receive a preferential pension until they reach the age of 50 (according to the Law of Ukraine On Compulsory State Pension Insurance No. 1058-IV dated July 9, 2003).
At the age of 55, medical workers who worked on list No. 2 have the right to retire at the age of 55..
List No. 2 includes:
- medical workers who became infected with the human immunodeficiency virus during the performance of their duties;
- junior nurses, orderlies and cleaners of pathology bureaus, morgues, centers, departments, autopsy rooms;
- employees of anti-plague institutions.
List No. 2 also includes workers who directly serve patients:
- in X-ray departments, offices – junior nurses for patient care;
- in infectious diseases, tuberculosis institutions, offices and departments – junior specialists with medical education, junior nurses, junior nurses for patient care and housekeepers;
- in psychiatric (psychoneurological) treatment and preventive institutions (departments) – junior nurses, junior specialists with medical education, junior nurses caring for patients and housekeepers;
- in orphanages – junior specialists with medical education, junior nurses, junior nurses for patient care, sister-housewives;
- in leper colonies – junior nurses caring for the sick, junior specialists with medical education, junior nurses, housekeepers;
- in boarding schools for the mentally ill, orphanages for mentally retarded children of the social security system;
- in burn and purulent departments – doctors, junior nurses, junior nurses for patient care, junior specialists with medical education and housekeepers;
- medical workers in oncological institutions (divisions), centers and dispensaries.
And also doctors, junior nurses caring for the sick, junior specialists with medical education, junior nurses, housekeepers and those working underground to maintain hospital mine workings in normal condition.
You can retire early according to list No. 2 if you have length of service:
- At least 30 years for men – of which at least 12 years 6 months in the specified jobs.
- At least 25 years for women – of which at least 10 years in the specified jobs.
Long service pension 2024: who is entitled to a preferential pension
A preferential pension for long service is assigned to medical workers working in positions and in institutions and institutions provided for by the List of institutions and institutions of education, health care and social protection and positions in which work gives the right to a pension for long service ( approved by resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 909 of November 4, 1993), regardless of age if available:
- at least 29 years of specialized experience — during the retirement period from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023;
- at least 29.5 years of specialized experience — during the retirement period from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2023;
- at least 30 years of specialized experience — during the retirement period from April 1, 2024 onwards.
In this case, the form of ownership or departmental affiliation of the institution in which a person works, and the length of the working day do not matter.
What is the size of the preferential pension for doctors
A preferential pension for doctors for long service depends on the length of service and the amount of salary from which insurance contributions were deducted.
The size of the preferential pension is determined by the formula:
P = Zp × Ks
where: P – pension amount (in hryvnia);
Zp – income, salary of the insured person (in hryvnia);
Кс – coefficient of insurance experience of the insured person.
According to Art. 24 of Law No. 1058Z, for each full year of work experience in jobs with especially harmful and especially difficult working conditions, one additional year is counted towards the insurance period.