Home » Political occupation of the Kremlin: what the parties of the Russian Federation are up to in the occupied territories of Ukraine

Political occupation of the Kremlin: what the parties of the Russian Federation are up to in the occupied territories of Ukraine

by alex

Six months have passed since the beginning of the full-scale military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, during this time the internal political situation has changed a lot both in the temporarily occupied territories Ukraine, and in the Russian Federation itself. Read more in the exclusive blog for Channel 24 website.

the occupiers do not keep up with their own “appetites”

Now in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, Kiriyenko's personnel reserve is being consolidated, the “old cadres” who consider themselves just veterans of the “struggle” for the “Russian world” are being released and reduced.

The Kremlin also intends to absorb the so-called parties of illegal armed formations in the temporarily occupied territories of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions and establish political control over the occupied Donbass through the parties in the State Duma of Russia. And as of August 2022, almost all parties in the State Duma of the Russian Federation have already appointed their representatives in the temporarily occupied territories of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions, except for the New People party.

Regarding the situation in the territories of Kherson, Zaporozhye, Kharkiv regions temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation, the United Russia political party is actively working there through the established network of humanitarian headquarters, which are mainly designed to collect personal data of local residents, spread agitation and establish contact with local residents. Other parties of Russia do not yet enter these territories.

A certain group of political figures has established itself in the territories of Ukraine temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation for half a year of military aggression, which deals with the issues of “integration” of the occupied territories into the Russian Federation.

Communist Party of the Russian Federation

The main character from the Communist Party, dealing with the temporarily occupied Donbass, is a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Kazbek Taysaev, who has regularly visited the temporarily occupied territories since 2015, and has also repeatedly participated in organizing humanitarian supplies from the Communist Party to pseudo-republics in the occupied territories.

Also in the structure of the Communist Party there is a headquarters for the provision of humanitarian assistance, which is headed by the functionary of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kashin. Delegations from the Communist Party visit the temporarily occupied territories of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions every three weeks, hold meetings with party activists.

territories were controlled by Ukraine. During recent visits, members of the CPRF delegation began issuing party cards of the CPRF, and also held a constituent assembly to create primary party organizations of the CPRF in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

That is, in fact, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was the first to start absorbing the satellite of the same name for a political presence in the later annexed territory.

“Fair Russia – patriots for the truth”

The Just Russia party until 2021 led an active activities in the temporarily occupied territories of Lugansk and Donetsk regions. It was on the statements of this political party that the Kremlin's policy towards the temporarily occupied territories of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions was built and carried out.

In 2021, the Just Russia party opened its official representative office in occupied Donetsk. It should also be noted that the first initiatives for the passportization of Russia and the Russification of education in the temporarily occupied territories were developed by the functionaries of this party.

But in 2021, the Kremlin banned the Just Russia – Patriots for Truth party from visiting the occupied Donbas, since in May 2021 the United Russia party signed a memorandum with the Union of Volunteers of Donbass to monopolize the political direction in the occupied Donbas. 2021.

Let me remind you that at that time the Kremlin also attracted residents of the occupation to vote in these elections. Now the leader of the Just Russia – Patriots for Truth party, Sergei Mironov, is preparing a trip to the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.During the six months of military aggression, the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine were visited only by individual deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. For example, on August 22, she lantratova visited the temporarily occupied Kherson, where she held a PR meeting with officials of the occupation administrations.

But, according to my sources, the Just Russia party is promoting an initiative to develop a special program for the cultural integration of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine into the Russian Federation. Most likely, Sergey Mironov will come to the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine with such slogans and campaign for joining the ranks of his party.

“United Russia”

This party, starting from 2014 to May 2021, has never made any statements regarding the temporarily occupied territories of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions, with the exception of individual deputies, such as Andrei Kozenko, who led the project called “Russia-Donbas Integration Committee” funded by the Russkiy Mir Foundation.

The official activities of the United Russia party in the temporarily occupied territories of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions began with the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between the Secretary of the General Council of the United Russia party Andrey Turchak and the head of the Union of Donbass Volunteers organization Alexander Borodaev. At that time, this agreement could be interpreted as an alliance between Kirienko and Surkov, as a result of which the Just Russia party was simply thrown out of the occupied Donbass, and one of its leaders, Zakhar Prilepin, was even deprived of his mandate after the elections.

For almost a year of its activity, so far “United Russia” has created several party structures – a movement of party supporters and primary party organizations. Now the highest turnout of deputies of the State Duma of Russia to the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine consists of “united Russia”.

Currently, Andrey Turchak, the son of Putin's friends, is working on the deployment of humanitarian, legal, campaign headquarters from the United Russia party, and Anna Kuznetsova, a deputy of the State Duma of Russia and a former children's ombudsman of Russia, is the deputy turchak in this area. She deals with the issue of the removal of children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine to Russia.

There are also party curators for territories and humanitarian areas. For example, Russian State Duma deputy Dmitry Sablin oversees the republic in the occupied Donbass according to the party quota, by the way, he could become the head of an illegal armed group instead of Zakharchenko, since he is from Mariupol. – former “ataman” of the organization “Great Don Host”, who initiated the creation of cadet Cossack gymnasiums.

The temporarily occupied part of the Kherson region is supervised by the deputy of the Games Kostyukevich, and the occupied part of the Zaporozhye region is supervised by the deputy Artem Bichaev. A turchak and his team are not allowed to appoint and manage territories, they can recommend someone, but Kiriyenko personally approves all personnel policy issues.

Now, in the temporarily occupied territories of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions, the United Russia party is active work on the issuance of party cards, the formation of the movement of their “supporters” – every second public event is held under the auspices of “United Russia”.


The new head of the party, Leonid Slutsky, despite the fact that he was recently appointed chairman of the party, has already managed to visit the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine several times and distinguish himself with the radical rhetoric of the civilian population of Ukraine. But active work in the temporarily occupied territories of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions is not carried out by the Democratic Party, with the exception of the formation of its branches in the Donbass and the appointment of the heads of these branches.

The ultimate tidbit of the Kremlin

Such an active position of Russian political parties in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine is due to the fact that after the pseudo-referenda, “local elections” will be called there. According to the ideas of political technologists and political scientists from the Expert Institute for Social Research (which is currently working with Kiriyenko), “local elections” are needed to consolidate the technology of Russia's absorption of temporarily occupied territories, as well as to maintain the illusion among the civilian population that the Russian authorities are not going to go temporarily territories.

Therefore, now, during the period of the local election campaign on the territory of Russia, the political agenda of the occupied territories of Ukraine is built into the Russian one with the sole purpose of keeping the activities of the current regime in the Kremlin alive. The implementation of this strategy creates the foundation for the transit of power in the Russian Federation and the creation of a “union state”, which Russia and Belarus began in 1999 as a superpower device.

In 2023, unrecognized entities on temporarily occupied territories of the post-Soviet space. I spoke about the implementation of this scenario more than once.

It should be noted that yesterday I congratulated Lukashenka on his birthday and discussed with him issues related to integration processes within the “union state”. Such processes will intensify the struggle for power within the Russian Federation, there will not be enough room for everyone, and already now there are dissatisfied people inside the Russian regime.

We talk a lot about the date of pseudo-referendums, again postponed to October 20-23, 2022, but we forget that the integration processes of the occupiers have already begun.

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