Home » Poland raises salaries: whether Ukrainians are satisfied with the level of earnings

Poland raises salaries: whether Ukrainians are satisfied with the level of earnings

by alex

< img title = "Poland raises salaries: whether Ukrainians are satisfied with the level of earnings" width = "632" height = "356" src = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/20/ypvrpti-632x356.jpeg" class = "Main-image-thumbnails whether Ukrainians in Poland — poll "Fetchpriority =" High "srcset =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uPloads/2023/20/20/20 632W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/20/YPVRPTI-300X169.JPEG 300W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/20/ypvrpti-768x432.jpeg 768W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/20/20/YPVRPTI-200X113.JPEG 200W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-cloads/2023/10/20/YPVRPTI.JPEG 1280W "SIZES =" (MAX-WIDTH: 632PX) 100VW, 632PX "deucoding =" async " /> < p > about < strong > 85% of Ukrainians in Poland are satisfied with the level of wages regarding their qualifications. At the same time, 70% of respondents noted that they manage to save money monthly.

< p > such data was published in the analytical center of the International Employment Company Gremi Personal.

< h2 > level of earnings of Ukrainians in Poland

< p >One of the factors affecting the level of employees' satisfaction is the growth of wages in Poland, which makes the country even more attractive for labor migrants. in 2025 in the country, both minimum and average wages increase.

< p >< strong > on January 1 the minimum salary is is 4,626 gross gross (42.6 thousand UAH), and from July 1 will grow to 4,825 zlotys (44.4 thousand. UAH).

< p > after tax deduction in the amount of 20%, employees will receive 3,701 zlotys (34 thousand UAH) from January and 3,860 zlotys (35.5 thousand UAH) from July.

< p > at the same time the average gross wage in 2024 was 7,874 zlotys (72.4 thousand UAH), which after tax was approximately 5,681 zlotys (52.3 thousand UAH).

62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > < p >In 2025, the predicted average monthly wage in the national economy in 2025 is 8,673 zlotys, which after taxes will be 6 938.40 zloty (74,780 UAH). ~ 60 > < h2 > will the difference in income for the return of Ukrainians home

< p > in Ukraine, the average salary is also growing for the third month in a row. However, in February of this year, it was 23.5 thousand UAH, which is three times less than in Poland. according to analysts, the significant difference in income can be serious < strong > call for the return of Ukrainians after the war. 60 ~/P > 62 > 62 > 62 > < p > wage is one of the key factors affecting the dynamics of the labor market and the mobility of Ukrainian workers in Poland. survey showed that 23% of respondents changed the work twice — This is the largest indicator among respondents.

< p >About 22% changed the place of work three times, 17% — once, and 9% — Four times. At the same time, 18% of Ukrainians did not change work at all, which may indicate < strong > stability and satisfaction with working conditions. ~ 60 > 62 ~ < p > in the analytical center compared the results obtained with the data of a survey conducted in August 2023.

< p > then the greatest share of the respondents, namely 50%, noted that they had never changed the work. About 25% changed their place of work once, 18% — twice, 8% — three times, and 4% reported more than three changes in work.

< blockquote >< p > — An analysis of the dynamics of the labor market demonstrates the growing mobility of Ukrainian workers in Poland. If in 2023 most respondents remained in the first place of work, then in 2025 more and more labor migrants change employers in search of the best conditions.

< p > this can be associated both with an increase in average wages, and with the development of a competitive environment in the labor market, which stimulates employees to career growth and search for more favorable offers, — The representative of the analytical center Gremi Personal Yuri Grigorenko noted.

60 ~/Blockquote > < h2 > what is known about the survey

< p > survey was conducted by electronic questionnaire method from January to February 2025. sample was formed on the basis of stratified selection, which provided the proportional representation of respondents according to the main socio-demographic characteristics.

< p > the total number of respondents was 1,085, and statistical error does not exceed ± 3.1% at a confidence level of 95%.

< p >

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