Home » Poland issued an important warning to Ukraine about opening negotiations with the EU

Poland issued an important warning to Ukraine about opening negotiations with the EU

by alex

Poland issued an important warning to Ukraine about opening negotiations with the EU Margarita Voloshina

Poland warned Ukraine about difficult opening negotiations with the EU/Collage Channel 24

Ukraine's opening negotiations with the European Union are likely to be difficult. The reason for this is controversial issues in some areas.

This was stated by the Polish Minister for EU Affairs Adam Szlapka at a briefing with the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister on issues of European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine by Olga Stefanishina and the German Minister for EU Affairs Anna Luhrmann.

In Poland they warned Ukraine about difficult entrance negotiations in the EU

I would like to emphasize that Ukraine has fulfilled all the conditions defined by the European Commission to begin the formal process of accession negotiations, – emphasized Shlapka.

At the same time, the minister noted that the negotiation process will be difficult, in particular on the issue of the agricultural sector. He also recalled that next week an intergovernmental conference between Ukraine and the EU should take place, where negotiations will begin.

“This will require Ukraine to maintain the current pace of reforms, this is not about It’s about checking boxes, but about changing the country,” said the Polish minister.

According to him, Poland can help Ukraine on its way to the EU, since it has been in the EU for 20 years and knows European procedures, and also has relatively recent experience in accession negotiations.

He, along with his German colleague, added that he expects good results from Ukraine in the following areas: the rule of law, the fight against corruption, the protection of local self-government, freedom of speech and the like.

The day before, the European Commission supported the start of negotiations on Ukraine's accession. Our state has implemented all 4 recommendations that it received from the European Commission in November last year.

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