Home » Poland has unblocked all checkpoints: farmers have already seen the first results

Poland has unblocked all checkpoints: farmers have already seen the first results

by alex

Polish protesters blocked the border with Ukraine for several months, and finally, after long negotiations, on April 29, the Poles unblocked all checkpoints. Now the transit of Ukrainian products in the western direction is gradually being restored.

What contributed to the Poles unblocking the border and how to evaluate the provocative statements of Polish conservatives, he said 24 Channel member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy Dmitry Solomchuk.

The European Union made concessions to Polish farmers

Literally two days, the transit of Ukrainian products increased by 20%. The Polish direction is not the main one for Ukraine, if we compare volumes, but it is important for the supply of organic products to European and Scandinavian countries.

The blockade at checkpoints was lifted thanks to the influence of Brussels together with Ukraine. After all, elections to the European Parliament will take place in the summer and changes of various kinds are possible.

Therefore, it is better to unblock today and not wait for what will happen in the summer, – Solomchuk noted.

In addition, the European Union made concessions to Polish farmers and allocated a large amount for them – an additional subsidy for 1 ton of wheat sold will reach from 50 to 70 euros.

For them (Poles – Channel 24) these are huge funds and huge support, which has never been seen in history, noted a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on issues of agricultural and land policy.

Grain from Ukraine does not harm Polish producers

< p>At the same time, the leader of the opposition Law and Justice party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, said that supposedly Ukrainian grain is evil and a threat to Poland. This is only part of the pre-election rhetoric, because elections continue – now to the European Parliament.

A member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy explained whether there are real reasons that transit or the export of Ukrainian grain harms Polish producers.

Ukrainian grain is definitely not evil, and Poland did not buy it in large quantities. It mostly traveled in transit. I think that for the Poles, the greater evil is goods that are sent from Russia through Poland,” Solomchuk answered.

In his opinion, sooner or later the Polish side itself will come to restricting exports from Russia, but this takes time. After several reminders, even at the level of the President of Ukraine and the government, the Poles began to pay attention to this problem. At least partial actions in this direction are already taking place, the main thing is that this policy is systemic.

Lifting the blockade of the Polish border: latest news

  • Protests on the border with Poland began in November 2023, and only in April did the Poles begin to unblock checkpoints.
  • In particular, on April 22, Polish protesters stopped the blockade of the largest checkpoint on the border with Ukraine, Yagodin-Dorogusk. Truck traffic there has been completely restored.
  • Minister of Agricultural Policy Nikolai Solsky said that although the Poles have unblocked the border, negotiations between ministries and associations will continue in the future. The parties exchange monthly figures on the transit of agricultural products in order to control the situation.

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