Home » Podolyak ruled out a truce or any concessions regarding Russia until the complete withdrawal of its troops

Podolyak ruled out a truce or any concessions regarding Russia until the complete withdrawal of its troops

by alex

Podolyak explained when negotiations with Russia are possible/Channel 24 Collage

Mikhail Podolyak stated that a truce or any concessions to Russia are impossible. In particular, as long as Russian troops are on the territory of Ukraine.

The adviser to the head of the President's Office explained that there could be no talk of any ceasefire with the Kremlin. Mikhail Podolyak spoke about this during an interview with the publication.

If Putin had access to adequate information, negotiations with Zelensky would have already taken place, – Podolyak

Podolyak explained when negotiations with Russia are possible

The war will not stop (after certain concessions). It will just be suspended for a while. …The Russians will continue to build up their military power, accumulate human resources, modernize, work on mistakes, rotate their generals, and after a while they will launch a new offensive, with a new intensity – even more bloody and large-scale,” Podolyak explained.

< p>And he called “very strange” calls from the West to urgently cease fire. In particular, in a situation where Russian infidels remain in the territory of the South and East of Ukraine.

Russian infidels must leave Ukraine for negotiations to begin

Mikhail Podolyak explained: “Russian troops must leave the country , and after that, the resumption of the peace process will become possible.”

A temporary ceasefire could play into the hands of the Kremlin, because Russia is now trying to “fix some of its military successes.”

European and American elites must understand: Russia cannot be left halfway, because revanchist sentiment will lead her to even more cruelty … She must suffer a defeat as painful as possible – assured the adviser to the head of the President's Office.

In addition, on May 19, he said that Vladimir Putin does not have access to adequate information about the war in Ukraine, and therefore does not negotiate with Vladimir Zelensky.

“Unfortunately, for Russia, and not for the whole world, this person (Putin – Channel 24) does not receive all the information that could convey to her that the situation in Ukraine looks completely different. Both in the world as a whole and in Ukraine . It has a different look in terms of military and diplomatic events, as well as in terms of the risks that exist for Russia,” Mikhail Podolyak said.

He noted that the situation in Ukraine is completely opposite – President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky communicates directly with world leaders, and also has a map of hostilities on the table.

Briefly about the negotiations between Ukraine and Russia

    < li> On May 17, Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President Mykhailo Podolyak said that peace talks between Ukraine and Russia on ending the war were suspended.
  • Podolyak said that the negotiations are complex and depend on how events unfold in Ukraine. Russia does not change its directives: “They continue to actively blackmail, some positions are publicly discussed.” Yermak's adviser explained that after the meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, there was no progress in the negotiations.
  • It should be remembered that at the negotiations of delegations in Istanbul, the Ukrainian side stated that Kyiv had conveyed its proposals to Moscow. In particular, Ukraine agreed to security guarantees from third countries in exchange for abandoning the NATO course. Issues of temporarily occupied negotiations were to be resolved by Zelensky's negotiations with Putin. On Crimea, Ukraine offered to negotiate for 10-15 years.

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