Home » Piontkovsky suggested what to expect from the United States after massive Russian missile strikes

Piontkovsky suggested what to expect from the United States after massive Russian missile strikes

by alex

On the morning of October 10, Russia launched a massive missile attack against Ukraine. In response to such actions of the Kremlin, certain important steps should be expected from the United States.

Russian opposition publicist Andrei Piontkovsky said this on a stream broadcast by Channel 24 . He noted that the only way to stop Russia's crimes is Ukraine's victory.

What the US Should Do

Piontkovsky noted that after Russia's massive missile strikes on Ukrainian cities, the United States must implement the minimum program. These are, first of all, anti-aircraft systems in the quantity that is needed,” said a Russian opposition publicist.

He noted that it is still a question of providing aircraft to Ukraine, while Ukrainian pilots are already learning to fly F-16 fighters.

Also, according to Piontkovsky, Ukraine needs to be provided with long-range ATACMS missiles. After all, the presence of these missiles would be a deterrent and today's Russian attacks would not be possible.

What to expect from Biden

Piontkovsky noted that there is things that depend only on US President Joe Biden. Indeed, on his call, Secretary of State Anthony John will be happy to sign an act recognizing Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism.

As you know, the Senate almost unanimously adopted such a decision. But Biden explains that relations with the allies may become more complicated,” the publicist said. trade.

However, Piontkovsky noted, all these considerations of Washington recede before the tragedy of today, when all of Ukraine has been bombed by Russia.

Piontkovsky suggested what the US reaction to massive Russian missile strikes might be: watch the video

What solution should be applied now

Piontkovsky believes that the phone should be cut off in the White House now in order to convince the US authorities to strike at the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

The punishment that was approved by the White House and prepared in case of a nuclear attack should be applied now,” he stressed.

After all, as the publicist noted, the Russian massive missile attack is a continuation of the program of genocide of the Ukrainian people.

Ukraine's victory will stop Russia's crimes

Piontkovsky noted that the only way to stop Russia's crimes is Ukraine's victory. And for the overthrow of the Putin system and his personal political collapse, it will be enough to dismiss Kherson.

This requires tanks. The same Leopard, about which the Bundestag has been debating for several months, – he noted.

In this regard, the publicist recalled that German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht recently visited Ukraine.

Massive rocket attack on October 10: the main thing

  • On the morning of October 10, Russian troops massively shelled Ukrainian cities. In just one morning, the enemy fired more than 80 missiles, most of which were destroyed by air defense forces.
  • Russian infidels hit Ukrainian cities with high-precision ground, sea and air-based cruise missiles, including Kh101, Kh555. They attacked Ukraine from the Black Sea and the Caspian region.
  • As a result of rocket attacks, 11 important infrastructure facilities were damaged. We are talking about 8 regions and Kyiv. Part of the regions was de-energized.
  • A massive missile attack by Russian terrorists claimed the lives of more than ten people. About 60 others were injured.

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