Home » Piontkovsky suggested what is the essence of China's “peace plan” for Ukraine and Russia

Piontkovsky suggested what is the essence of China's “peace plan” for Ukraine and Russia

by alex

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has completed his European tour and arrived at Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. Against the backdrop of talk about the possibility of supplying Russia with weapons from China, Wang Yi may discuss a “peace plan” with Putin. Piontkovsky. According to him, the United States warned China of serious consequences in the event of the supply of Chinese weapons to Russia.

What is the “peace plan”

Andriy Piontkovsky believes that China may propose a plan unacceptable for Ukraine, where Russia withdraws its troops from the occupied territories, but Ukraine undertakes not to join NATO and consolidate its neutral status.

The publicist argued this assumption by the fact that the head of the Foreign Ministry China's Wang Yi has previously stated that their “peace plan” will be based on respect for the territorial integrity of countries and “taking into account the legitimate security interests of states.”

Russian publicist predicted Ukraine's reaction to China's peace plan: see video

The latter may be an echo of the Russian propaganda narrative about the alleged threat to their security from NATO. The publicist is firmly convinced that Ukraine will not agree to these conditions.

Ukraine will not give up a single part of its territory, and even more so, it will not give up its independence, because this is a condition of neutrality is the implementation of the Russian program to deny Ukraine sovereignty, the so-called “Finlandization of Ukraine,” Piontkovsky stressed.

Despite the absurdity of such a plan, Andrei Piontkovsky is sure that there is still a positive element in it. He believes that this plan will have a very strong impact on Putin's inner circle, because if China talks about the need for the integrity of Ukraine, then Putin is in really bad business, so his entourage will decide that they need to dissociate themselves from him.

China and the USA as “Siamese twins”

The Russian publicist noted that the United States and China are closely interconnected economically, and therefore, if China begins to transfer weapons to Russia, the United States can break these ties, which will completely destroy the Chinese economy.

“China and the United States are so economically connected, it's like Siamese twins, and if China began to transfer weapons, the Americans could go, they warned about this, to break economic ties,” Piontkovsky said.

What is the benefit for China?


According to Piontkovsky, cooperation with Russia is beneficial for China, because now it receives energy at reduced prices after the EU imposed an embargo and closed its markets. The publicist also noted that China dominates economically in the Russian Far East and Siberia, and turned the terrorist country itself into its vassal, which is completely dependent on China.

How China reacts to Russia's war against Ukraine

  • Throughout the year of full-scale war, China tried to maintain a neutral position. On the one hand, the Chinese leadership condemned the war, but, on the other hand, maintained economic relations with Russia, did not impose sanctions, and did not even call Russia guilty of starting the war.
  • But it seems that China will declare its position in the coming days more clearly and specifically. The head of the Chinese Foreign Ministry met with a number of European leaders, attended the Munich Security Conference and visited dictator Putin.
  • Chinese leader Xi Jinping is preparing to announce a “peace plan” for Russia's war with Ukraine on February 24, 2023. This could be a statement that China will enter the global arena

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