Home ยป “People's Sputnik” helped to detect thousands of pieces of enemy equipment: satellite photos

“People's Sputnik” helped to detect thousands of pieces of enemy equipment: satellite photos

by alex

The ICEYE satellite, which was purchased with funds raised by the Ukrainians, is effectively working for the benefit of our defense. He helped find and destroy thousands of enemy vehicles.

This was reported in Ukrainian intelligence. Moreover, they published photographic evidence.

Our soldiers “worked out” even on the territory of Russia

The military intelligence of Ukraine began to use the “people's satellite” from September 24, 2022. Since then, the State Security and Defense Forces have been receiving the necessary intelligence from space every day.

It is noted that during the five months of using ICEYE, GUR employees conducted space radar reconnaissance of almost 1,000 areas where Russian units are located in temporarily occupied and other territories.

Satellite images of enemy equipment in the occupied territories and in Russia / Photo by GUR

Such eyes in orbit make it possible around the clock and in any weather to detect and burn disguised Russian military equipment, weapons and personnel. – the message says.

Consequently, they add to the GUR, during this time the resource of the spacecraft made it possible to detect 360 tents at the locations of the Russian occupation army, as well as 7321 objects of enemy military and special equipment.

For 5 months, intelligence discovered:

  • 45 aircraft;
  • 27 helicopters;
  • 6 OTRK “Iskander”;
  • 36 air defense systems “S-300”;
  • 12 air defense systems “Shell C1”;
  • 11 radar stations;
  • 10 pontoon crossings.

Important! Thanks to the capabilities of ICEYE, a significant part of this list has been destroyed and is reflected in the daily reports of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In addition, military intelligence officials expressed their gratitude to everyone who took part in raising funds for the spacecraft.

How Serhiy Prytula reacted

The founder of the charitable foundation of Sergei Pritula, who was the initiator of this purchase, commented on the publication of the GUR.

Prytula noted that today is a “black” day for those who dispersed treason about the satellite. He also thanked everyone who, with their donations, made it possible for the foundation to implement this space project.

“This is the story of the incredible toughness of our people! Each of you, with your own means, helped not hypothetically, but actually destroy thousands of pieces of equipment and manpower of the enemy! I am so proud of our people and how we join in strengthening our Troops!” – the message says.

Note! The rifle battalion of the 72nd Motorized Brigade needs help. This is exactly the brigade that simply enchantingly destroys the invaders at Ugledar and whose exploits were written about by all the world's media. Now our defenders urgently need tongues. You can join the collection by following the link.

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