Home » People pulled out from under a layer of mud: a baby was injured in a powerful typhoon in Libya

People pulled out from under a layer of mud: a baby was injured in a powerful typhoon in Libya

by alex

A baby was injured by a typhoon in Libya/Collage 24 Channel

Hurricane “Daniel” in Libya caused considerable destruction and flooding. Thousands of people have died, and there are also many casualties – among children in particular. Actually, in the city of Derna, people pulled out a newborn child from under a layer of mud.

Note that Derna suffered the most from the typhoon that rocked Libya a few days ago. In total, more than 120 thousand people lived in the settlement. The consequences of the destruction, apparently, will not be eliminated as quickly as we would like.

Rescuing a baby after a hurricane in Libya

It should be said that that as of the morning of September 15, 11,300 were known to have died as a result of the hurricane. At the same time, more than 10 thousand people are considered missing. About 30 thousand Libyans were left homeless.

However, some were saved. In particular, people found a newborn in the ruins of Derna. It is impossible to look calmly at the footage of the baby. They, like the “statistics of victims,” cause an eerie state.

A small child was found in the mud in Libya: watch the video

Let us finally remember what the mayor said that the total number of victims could reach 20 thousand people. The typhoon gained powerful force within a very short period of time, depriving people of time to escape.

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