Home » People don’t believe in such stories, – a Kherson woman told what to do with the phone when leaving the occupation

People don’t believe in such stories, – a Kherson woman told what to do with the phone when leaving the occupation

by alex

Khersonka told how to prepare the phone for checking the Russians/Channel 24 collage

Many Ukrainians from the temporarily occupied Kherson region are trying to leave for the territory controlled by Ukraine. A resident of Kherson told how to prepare the phone for checking at Russian checkpoints.

Russians are carefully studying the phones of Ukrainians who want to leave the occupied territories. Oksana Naumova from Kherson told Channel 24 about this. The woman recently managed to leave the temporarily occupied region.

How to prepare the phone for checks

Naumova noted that she had already had problems with the occupiers because for her pro-Ukrainian stance, so her phone could be a danger to her.

“Leaving through checkpoints to the territory controlled by Ukraine, I completely deleted all instant messengers, completely cleaned photos. There were flowers and my dog, and that's it,” the Kherson woman said.

What causes suspicion among infidels

A woman advises against resetting the phone to factory settings, because this causes suspicion among Russians.

Also, if you say that you have a “button” phone and do not have a smartphone, this also makes them suspicious. They (the occupiers – Channel 24) no longer believe in such stories,” Naumova noted.

For those who are going to evacuate, she recommends remove all instant messengers from the phone (WhatsApp, Telegram and etc.). According to Naumova, it is more reliable when there are no social networks on the phone at all, where potentially dangerous messages can be located. p>According to Kherson, earlier there was a danger that the occupiers could take away phones at checkpoints.

The Russians have already eaten away from us. After 4 months, they can already buy phones for themselves. They are no longer interested in this,” Naumova emphasized.

The woman suggested that the financial capabilities of the occupiers have improved not because of high salaries, but because of the loot from Ukrainians.

How the evacuation works

Naumova recalled that during the 4 months of occupation, there was not a single green corridor for evacuation from the temporarily occupied Kherson region. Therefore, people often have to leave under shelling, putting their lives in danger.

“It took me three days to travel. And this is another good option. There were no shelling in the gray zone,” she said.

According to Kherson, during the evacuation of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, she had to pass through 22 enemy checkpoints.

They (the occupiers – Channel 24) are still entertaining themselves by letting people out or not letting them out during the checkpoint at the checkpoint leading to the gray zone, and then to the territory controlled by Ukraine. It all depends on their mood, – said Naumova.

The woman had to stand in the fields under the sun for 3 days. According to her, the invaders produce 90-100 cars. And at the time when she left, there were 801 cars in line.

“10 cars or buses go to the checkpoint. When every ten arrives, the Russians check documents, they can check phones, things,” Naumova said .

She added that during the time while she was waiting for her turn, there was no case that the invaders did not let someone through. According to Khersonka, men are checked much more thoroughly than women.

Khersonka told exclusive details about leaving the occupation – watch the video

The situation in the Kherson region: latest news

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