Home » People climbed on the “symbol”: in Belgorod, a monument to the “Ukrainian grandmother with a red flag” stood for only a day (photo)

People climbed on the “symbol”: in Belgorod, a monument to the “Ukrainian grandmother with a red flag” stood for only a day (photo)

by alex

In Russian Belgorod, on May 3, a monument was erected to “Ukrainian grandmother with a Soviet flag”, but the sculpture was removed the next day. The mayor's office said they were looking for a new place for the sculpture.

The monument appeared near the Pobeda cinema. According to local authorities, immediately after the installation of the sculpture, residents began to climb on it. That is why the authorities removed the “grandmother” and will look for a new place where people “will not be able to contact” with this “symbol”.

This is reported by Meduza with reference to the mayor of Belgorod Anton Ivanov.

Let's add that in Russian Obninsk they created a graffiti with the same grandmother, but it was painted over the next day after the appearance, Russian media reported on the Web.

Who is this grandmother with the Soviet flag?

On the web was published video from the Ukrainian military, where they are met by a grandmother with a Soviet flag. She said that she was looking forward to them and “prayed for Putin and all the people.” From the footage, it becomes clear that the grandmother confused the Ukrainian military with the Russian ones. The Ukrainian defender gave granny food, and threw the red flag on the ground and stepped on it. Then the grandmother said that she didn't want food, because the military man stood on “the flag for which her parents died”, but that explained that he did so “because they (the Russian occupiers – ed.) came to my house.”

This video was quickly picked up by Russian propagandists and showed stories about the “Ukrainian grandmother on many TV channels. She was called “a brave woman who was not afraid to go out to the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the Soviet flag.”

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