Home » People are running out: why Putin is afraid to announce mobilization

People are running out: why Putin is afraid to announce mobilization

by alex

People are running out: why Putin is afraid to announce mobilization Victoria Grabovskaya< source _ngcontent-sc102 type="image/webp" srcset="https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202407/2601987.jpg?v=1721597437000&w=1200&h= 675&fit=cover&output=webp&q=70">

< img _ngcontent-sc127 itemprop="contentUrl" src="https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202407/2601987.jpg?v=1721597437000&w=760&h=428&fit=cover&output=webp">

Russia is suffering heavy losses in the war, primarily losing more than 1,000 personnel every day. This could push the Kremlin to conduct a new wave of mobilization.

Russian oppositionist and political analyst Olga Kurnosova told 24 Channel that the Russian authorities have nowhere to get people for their army. This is precisely what is connected with statements from Moscow about the need for negotiations and a truce.

They will quickly reach the Kremlin< /h2>

Residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg may be mobilized this time.

Valdai is located between St. Petersburg and Moscow. Therefore, there may be a counter flow of people with pitchforks and in the end all the protesters will meet and decide something, suggested Olga Kurnosova.

Note that the Russian authorities are planning to introduce a system which will prevent men of military age from leaving Russia. We are talking about an “information exchange system” between the Ministry of Defense and the FSB, which will provide information about potential conscripts to the FSB border service. Also in the fall, the Kremlin may close the border and begin a new wave of mobilization.

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