Home » Patrushev influenced the Russian special services: where Putin decided to send him

Patrushev influenced the Russian special services: where Putin decided to send him

by alex

Serious personnel changes have occurred in the Kremlin. The Russian President fired the head of the Ministry of Defense Sergei Shoigu and appointed him to the post of Secretary of the Security Council of the aggressor country.

The mouthpiece of the dictator Sergei Shoigu said that the ex -Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev, who headed the department for 16 years, is allegedly leaving for another job, but he did not specify which one. On air on Channel 24, Russian human rights activist Mark Feigin suggested where Patrushev might be appointed.

“There will be no significant changes. Putin is not in the mood to change people in his circle. It seems to me that Patrushev will retain influence, and some kind of position will be invented for him. I think that it will be a ritual position. The main thing is how often he meets with Putin, how close they are are friendly to each other and jointly resolve problematic issues,” said the Russian human rights activist.

Patrushev will retain access to the body

Patrushev is a very important ally of Putin and has enormous influence on the dictator. Some experts say that if the ex-secretary of the Security Council is indeed now appointed to a key position, then perhaps this will be proof that the dictator himself is already dead.

“You cannot contradict reality is so much. Putin, in my opinion, is quite alive,” Feigin noted.

In his opinion, all of Valery Solovy’s versions regarding Patrushev are far from reality. Perhaps the former Secretary of the Security Council at 73 years old will be appointed, for example, as another assistant to Putin.

He will be like Sergei Ivanov and others who are not visible. But this will change little in the situation of Patrushev and his family. “I think that Patrushev will retain influence and access to the body,” the Russian human rights activist is convinced.

By the way, Patrushev’s son, 44-year-old Dmitry, has been nominated for the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government.

Will the ex-secretary of the Security Council face a pension

Also there is an opinion that Patrushev may not be appointed anywhere at all, because he is already at that age that it is time to take care of his health. However, his important influence on the Russian intelligence services is known. A Russian human rights activist suggested whether there could now be changes in these structures.

The head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, is Patrushev’s creation and he has remained in his place . He was reassigned, and by the way, he is also 73 years old. They even said that he had prostate cancer, but it was supposedly successfully treated,” Feigin noted. A pension for the Kremlin elites is eternal life, because they don’t work anyway.

Why does Putin need personnel changes

  • Putin appointed economist Andrei Belousov to the post of Defense Minister. At the same time, Sergei Shoigu has now taken the post of Secretary of the Russian Security Council.
  • The Times magazine noted that one of the reasons for Shoigu’s resignation was the Kremlin’s need for a good manager in the Ministry of Defense. At the same time, these changes in the Kremlin will have an impact on Russia's war against Ukraine.
  • ISW analysts believe that Putin wants to strengthen the Russian defense and economic system in the context of the war against Ukraine .

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