Home » Patriarch Kirill will be included in the sixth package of EU sanctions, media

Patriarch Kirill will be included in the sixth package of EU sanctions, media

by alex

Patriarch Kirill will be included in the sixth package of EU sanctions, – media/RosSMI sc86=””>The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, is on the list of people who are planned to be included in the proposed sixth package of sanctions from the EU.

This publication was reported by 2 anonymous sources from the European Commission who saw this document. Currently, the proposals for a new package of sanctions have been submitted to the relevant ambassadors for consideration.

At this stage, the lists of proposed sanctions persons can be edited. So there is no absolute guarantee that the head of the Russian Orthodox Church will definitely be subject to sanctions.

By the way, this week Pope Francis criticized Patriarch Kirill for supporting Russia's stated reasons for invading Ukraine and warning him not to become “Putin's servant”.

Obviously, Pope Francis is not very- he understands what is happening in the ROC, since the Russian church has long been one of the methods of Russian propaganda.

Patriarch Kirill will enter sixth package of EU sanctions, - media

6 package of EU sanctions against Russia: what is known/Channel 24 infographics

Russia's reaction

The representative of the Russian Orthodox Church, Vladimir Legoyda, said that the sanctions against Kirill “do not correspond to common sense.” He also said that everything the Russian Orthodox Church does seems to be praying for the fate of those affected by the “Ukrainian conflict”.

Only those who are completely unaware of the history of our Church can try to intimidate its clergy and believers by compiling some kind of lists. – added Legoyda.

Recall that the other day the Commissioner for Human Affairs of the Verkhovna Rada Lyudmila Denisova showed a postcard from the Russian Orthodox Church, in which the occupier receives a blessing for the destruction of Ukrainians. There literally in the tasks it is written “wipe the Ukrainian nation off the face of the earth.” Similar “blessings” were published in the Bryansk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.

And despite the atrocities of Russian soldiers in Ukraine and Russia's invasion of a foreign country, Patriarch Kirill boldly claims that Russia is a “very peaceful country.”

  • The Russian Orthodox Church plays one of the main roles in the deportation and resettlement of Ukrainians in Russia. In total, about 600 thousand people have already been deported to Russia.
  • It turned out that from the very first day of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the aggressor country sends reports to the mailbox of the Synodal Department for Charity of the Russian Orthodox Church.
  • ROC settles people in monasteries and shelters. So-called “spiritual conversations” are held with the deportees.
  • Priests want to monitor the residence of Ukrainians under the ROC through surveillance cameras.
  • In general, the Russian Emergencies Ministry constantly reports to the ROC on what is happening in the temporarily occupied territories and when the next group of deported Ukrainians will be delivered to Russia.

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