Partisans divergage near the Shagol military airfield in Chelyabinsk Sofia Rozhik < Source _ngContent-SC214 = "" Media = "(min-width: 621px) and (max-width: 1920px)" Image/Webp " srcset = " amp; w = 768 & h = 432 & amp; fit = cover & amp; output = webp & amp; q = 70 "> < source _ngContent-SC214 = "" Fetchpriority = "High" Media = "(Max-Width: 620px)" Type = "Image/Webp" srcset = " amp; w = 480 & h = 270 & amp; fit = cover & amp; output = webp & amp; q = 70 "> < source _ngContent-SC214 = "" Type = "Image/Webp" srcset = " ; AMP; W = 1200 & h = 675 & amp; fit = cover & amp; output = webp & amp; q = 70 "> < img _ngContent-SC214 = "Class =" Main-news-photo "src =" " Alt = "& quot; Atesh & quot; diversion near the Shagol military airfield in Chelyabinsk - 24 channel" Title = "& quot; atesh & quot; I diversion near the Shagol military airfield in Chelyabinsk-24 channel ">< p _ngcontent-sc217 =" "appinViewport =" "class =" News-enonotation "> 60 ~ strong _ngContent-SC217 = “” > partisans of the “Atesh” moves near the Military Aerod of Shagol in Chelyabinsk. 62 ~This is not the first sabotage at this airfield. This was reported by the 24th channel with reference to “Atesh”.
< h2 class = "News-subtitle" > burned car belonged to the Russian officer
the burned car belonged to one of the officers Aerospace forces of Russia. He actively supports aggression against Ukraine and is a fan of the propaganda channel Fighterbomber.
~ 60 >< Strong > Partizans burned the car occupier/photo “Atesh”
< p > 60 ~/p >< IMG alt = "" "" Data-Image = "" Data-description = "" > 60 ~ IMG Alt = “” Data-Image = “” DATA-DESCRIPTION = “” >< IMG alt = "" DATA-IMAGE = "" Data-description = "" >< img alt = "" Data DATA-DESCRIPTION = "" >< IMG alt = "" Data-Image = "" Data-description = "" > 60 ~ IMG alt = “” Data DATA-DESCRIPTION = “” >< IMG alt = "" DATA-IMAGE = "" DATA-DESCRIPTION = ">~ 60 >
~ 60 > Shagol air base in Chelyabinsk is suitable for IL-76, An-22, Tu-134 aircraft. and other lighter aircraft and helicopters of various types. Now Su-34 aircraft are operated there.
~ 60 > partisans note that a year ago someone at this airfield burned one of the “dryers”. < p > < p > after that the Russians strengthened security measures at the airport, but, as noted in Atesh, “There was enough of them for a short while.”
~ 60 >< strong > “Atesh” a car of the Russian officer: Watch video //60>< p >
< iframe SRC = " ;Amp ;videurl=2025/02/2760311 -1510966 & amp; imgurl = _main.mp4.jpeg & amp; videoid = 1510966 & amp; height = 360 & amp; width = 640 " width = "640" height = "360" frameborder = "0" scrolling = "no" allowfullscreen = "true" > ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 >
< p class = "Bloquote" > we continue to observe military facilities in Russia, technology and personnel. Those who think that they were hiding in the rear are deeply mistaken! – the partisans note.
~ 60 > recall that in early February, the missile regiment near Moscow intensified the checks after the January attacks of Ukrainian drones . The task of this unit is the reflection of air strikes. On its armament are the S-400 Triumph and S-300PMs.