Home ยป Partisans sabotage near the military airfield Shagol in Chelyabinsk

Partisans sabotage near the military airfield Shagol in Chelyabinsk

by alex

Partisans divergage near the Shagol military airfield in Chelyabinsk Sofia Rozhik < Source _ngContent-SC214 = "" Media = "(min-width: 621px) and (max-width: 1920px)" Image/Webp " srcset = "https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2760312.jpg~6~v=1740379518000& amp; w = 768 & h = 432 & amp; fit = cover & amp; output = webp & amp; q = 70 "> < source _ngContent-SC214 = "" Fetchpriority = "High" Media = "(Max-Width: 620px)" Type = "Image/Webp" srcset = "https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2760312.jpg~6~v=1740379518000& amp; w = 480 & h = 270 & amp; fit = cover & amp; output = webp & amp; q = 70 "> < source _ngContent-SC214 = "" Type = "Image/Webp" srcset = "https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2760312.jpg~6~v=1740379518000&AMP ; AMP; W = 1200 & h = 675 & amp; fit = cover & amp; output = webp & amp; q = 70 "> < img _ngContent-SC214 = "Class =" Main-news-photo "src =" https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2760312.jpg~v=1740379518000 " Alt = "& quot; Atesh & quot; diversion near the Shagol military airfield in Chelyabinsk - 24 channel" Title = "& quot; atesh & quot; I diversion near the Shagol military airfield in Chelyabinsk-24 channel ">< p _ngcontent-sc217 =" "appinViewport =" "class =" News-enonotation "> 60 ~ strong _ngContent-SC217 = “” > partisans of the “Atesh” moves near the Military Aerod of Shagol in Chelyabinsk. 62 ~This is not the first sabotage at this airfield. This was reported by the 24th channel with reference to “Atesh”.

< h2 class = "News-subtitle" > burned car belonged to the Russian officer

the burned car belonged to one of the officers Aerospace forces of Russia. He actively supports aggression against Ukraine and is a fan of the propaganda channel Fighterbomber.

~ 60 >< Strong > Partizans burned the car occupier/photo “Atesh”

< p > 60 ~/p >< IMG alt = "" "" Data-Image = "https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2760311_1718531.jpg~6~v=1740379518000" Data-description = "" > 60 ~ IMG Alt = “” Data-Image = “https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2760311_171853333333333333333333333333.63~v=1740379518000” DATA-DESCRIPTION = “” >< IMG alt = "" DATA-IMAGE = "https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2760311_17185335.jpg~6~v=1740379518000" Data-description = "" >< img alt = "" Data DATA-DESCRIPTION = "" >< IMG alt = "" Data-Image = "https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2760311_17185339.jpg~6~v=1740379518000" Data-description = "" > 60 ~ IMG alt = “” Data DATA-DESCRIPTION = “” >< IMG alt = "" DATA-IMAGE = "https://24tv.ua/resources/photos/news/202502/2760311_17185343.jpg..v=1740379518000" DATA-DESCRIPTION = ">~ 60 >

~ 60 > Shagol air base in Chelyabinsk is suitable for IL-76, An-22, Tu-134 aircraft. and other lighter aircraft and helicopters of various types. Now Su-34 aircraft are operated there.

~ 60 > partisans note that a year ago someone at this airfield burned one of the “dryers”. < p > < p > after that the Russians strengthened security measures at the airport, but, as noted in Atesh, “There was enough of them for a short while.”

~ 60 >< strong > “Atesh” a car of the Russian officer: Watch video < p >

< iframe SRC = "https://editor.24tv.ua/news/showplayer.do?oobjectid=2760311&amp ;Amp ;videurl=2025/02/2760311 -1510966 & amp; imgurl = _main.mp4.jpeg & amp; videoid = 1510966 & amp; height = 360 & amp; width = 640 " width = "640" height = "360" frameborder = "0" scrolling = "no" allowfullscreen = "true" > ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 >

< p class = "Bloquote" > we continue to observe military facilities in Russia, technology and personnel. Those who think that they were hiding in the rear are deeply mistaken! – the partisans note.

~ 60 > recall that in early February, the missile regiment near Moscow intensified the checks after the January attacks of Ukrainian drones . The task of this unit is the reflection of air strikes. On its armament are the S-400 Triumph and S-300PMs.

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