Home » Oschadbank reported disruptions due to an attack on Kyivstar

Oschadbank reported disruptions due to an attack on Kyivstar

by alex

Due to a failure of Kyivstar, some ATMs and terminals of Oschadbank do not work.

The press service of Oschadbank reported this in a comment to hromadske.

It is indicated that a large-scale failure of the services of the mobile operator Kyivstar led to the inoperability of a small part of ATMs, POS terminals and information and payment terminals of Oschadbank.

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— Full restoration of their work will occur after the failure of Kyivstar services has been eliminated, — noted in the press service.

On December 12, a failure occurred in the Kyivstar mobile network, which was caused by a large-scale hacker attack.

Users report the disappearance of communications and the Internet, and they cannot connect to other mobile operators due to national roaming.

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