Home » Orban wants to “occupy Brussels”: what lies behind his loud statement

Orban wants to “occupy Brussels”: what lies behind his loud statement

by alex

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Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban once again criticized the EU and the West. He called for help to “occupy Brussels” in the elections to the European Parliament, which will take place in the summer of 2024.

These are just empty words, which are closer to There will be more and more elections to the European Parliament. This opinion 24 Channel was voiced by political scientist Nikolai Davydyuk.

” Light populism”

As Nikolai Davydyuk noted, in general it is difficult to understand what Orban meant. However, behind his words lies populism. The closer we get to the elections, there will be more and more such statements. messages like “occupy Brussels”. These are empty words. I think there will be more and more such phrases closer to the elections,” he believes.

More about Orban’s statement

Viktor Orbán gave a speech to mark the anniversary of the 1848 Hungarian revolution against Habsburg rule. In a statement, the Hungarian politician compared the EU with imperial occupiers, and also called the Western world “a source of incivility and destruction.”

The Hungarian Prime Minister said that the West “starts wars, destroy worlds and redrawing the borders of countries, but the Hungarians want to live differently.” He added that “Brussels is not the first empire to have its eye on Hungary.”

The people of Europe today fear that Brussels will take away them freedom. If we want to preserve the freedom and sovereignty of Hungary, we have no choice: we must occupy Brussels, said the politician.

Viktor Orbán : latest news

  • Victor Orbán has introduced a service in Hungary that can be used to suppress dissent. She will target politicians, journalists and activists who receive foreign funding. Experts fear that the Hungarian authorities will use this tool for repression, as Russia once did.
  • On March 8, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban met with former US leader Donald Trump at the residence of an American politician in Florida. After this, Orban issued another statement about “peace.” He noted that he respects Trump and called on him to return to “bring peace.”
  • Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky commented on the actions of Hungary, in particular, the actions of Viktor Orban. The Ukrainian leader explained that sometimes Budapest and their prime minister “play a very dangerous game,” which is primarily dangerous for Hungary.

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